Study note about AWS Developer - Associate C02
Ultimate AWS Certified Developer Associate 2024 NEW DVA-C02
B] If you first completed my AWS Certified Solutions Architect course and don't want to re-watch content...
Please watch the following lectures:
Section 7 - AWS Fundamentals: ELB + ASG
Auto Scaling Groups - Instance Refresh
Section 8 - AWS Fundamentals: RDS + Aurora + ElastiCache
ElastiCache Strategies
Amazon MemoryDB for Redis
Section 9 - Route 53
Routing Policy - Traffic Flow & Geoproximity Hands On
Section 10 - VPC Fundamentals
VPC Fundamentals - Section Introduction
VPC, Subnets, IGW and NAT
NACL, SG, VPC Flow Logs
VPC Peering, Endpoints, VPN, DX
VPC Cheat Sheet & Closing Comments
Three Tier Architecture
Section 12 - AWS CLI, SDK, IAM Roles & Policies
AWS EC2 Instance Metadata
AWS EC2 Instance Metadata - Hands On
AWS CLI Profiles
AWS SDK Overview
Exponential Backoff & Service Limit Increase
AWS Credentials Provider & Chain
AWS Signature v4 Signing
Section 15 - CloudFront
CloudFront - Caching & Caching Policies
CloudFront - Cache Behaviors
CloudFront - Caching & Caching Invalidations - Hands On
CloudFront - Signed URL / Cookies
CloudFront - Signed URL - Key Groups + Hands On
CloudFront - Advanced Concepts
CloudFront - Real Time Logs
Section 16 - ECS, ECR & Fargate - Docker in AWS
Amazon ECS - Rolling Updates
Amazon ECS Task Definitions - Deep Dive
Amazon ECS Task Definitions - Hands On
Amazon ECS - Task Placements
Paramter is not just string, You can have constraints and validation
AllowedValues (예제 확인할 것)
NoEcho (예제 확인할 것)
Pseudo Parameter -> 언제나 쓸 수 있는 Parameter들이 있다.
Mappings are fixed var within your CloudFormation template
-> 예를 들어 특정 ec2의 id를 매번 Template 코드 내에 쓰는 것은 힘들다. 따라서 일종의 MACRO 처리를 하여서 재사용하게 하는 것이 더 유리하다.
We use Fn::FindInMap to return a named value from a specific key !FindInMap [ MapName, TopLevelKey, SecondLevelKey ]
When youd you use Mappings vs. Paramters?
- Mappings are great when you know in advance all the values that can be taken and that they can be deduced from variable such as
- Region
- AZ
- AWS Account
- Environmnet (dev vs prod)
- etc
They allow safer control over the template
Use parameters when the values are really user specific
약간 Mapping이랑 유사한 개념 같은데...
The Outputs section declares optional outputs values that we can import into other stacks (if you export them first!)
You can also view the outputs in the AWS Console or in using the AWS CLI
They're very useful for example if you define a network CloudFormation, and output the variables such as VPC ID and your Subnet IDs
It's the best way to perform some collaboration cross stack, as you let expert handle their own part of the stack
Conditions are used to control the creation of resources or outputs based on a condition
Ref : reference
The Fn::Ref function can be leveraged to reference - Parameters - returns the value of the parameter - Resources - returns the physical ID of the underlying resource (ex. EC2 ID)
The shorthand for this in YAML is !Ref
returns a value for a specified attribute of this type.
!FindInMap [MapName, TopLevelKey, SecondLevelKey ]
Import values that are exported in other stacks For this, we use the Fn::ImportValue function
Condition Functions (Fn::If, Fn::Not, Fn::Equals, etc...)
Convert string to Base64
Stack Creation Fails
- Default : everything rolls back (gets deleted). We can look at the log
- Option to disable rollback and troubleshot what happened
Stack Update Fails
- The stack automatically rolls back to the previous know working state
- Ability to see in the log what happened and error messages
Rollback Failure? Fix resources manually than issue ContinueUpdateRollBack API from Console
IAM role that allows CloudFormation to create/update/delete stack resources on your behalf Give ability to users to create/update/delete the stack resources even if they don't have permissions to work with the resources in the stack
- Necessary to enable when you CloudFormation template is creating or updating IAM resources (IAM User, Group, Policy, Access Keys, Instance Profile)
- Necessary when your CloudFormation template includes Macros or Nested stacks (stacks within stacks) to perform dynamic transformations
- You're achknowledging that your template may change before deploying
- Exception that will be thrown by CloudFormation if the capabilities haven't been acknowledged when deploying a template (security measure)
삭제할 때 적용할 정책
Default DeletionPolicy = Delete
- S3 bucket이 empty가 아니면 삭제가 안된다.
DeletionPolicy = Retain 일부 리소스는 유지한다.
DeletionPolicy = Snapshot 삭제 하기 전에 스냅샷을 하나 찍는다.
During a CloudFormation stack update, all update actions are allowed on all resources(default) A Stack Policy is a JSON document that defines the update actions that are allowed on specific resources during Stack updates
Used to
- define resources not yet supported by CloudFormation
- define custom provisioning logic for resources can that be outside of CloudFormation(on-premises resources, 3rd party resources)
Defined in the template using AWS::CloudFormation::CustomResource or Custom::MyCustomResourceTypeName (recommended)
How to define a Custom Resource?
ServiceToken specifies where CloudFormation sends requests to, such as Lambda ARN or SNS ARN (required & must be in the same region)
Input data parameters (optional)
Create, update, or delete stacks across multiple accounts and regions with a single operaion/template
Sync Communication : app to app
Async Communicaiton / Event Based : app to queue to app
Sync com has a problem with high traffic
Amazon ECR - Hands On
And everything from Section 17 onwards