dabelle aims to be for tables what markdown or textile are for text. Target is to replace the aging CSV and the inherently broken XML-blobs that are used by OpenOffice, LibreOffice, Excel and the likes.
The name comes from the saxonian (east german accent) pronunciation of 'Tabelle', meaning simply 'table'.
to reach it's goals, dabelle-parsers should be able to do two things:
a) parse simple layouting information and output it into what you want (i.e. HTML, maybe LaTex, XLS, ...) b) parse calculation-information and calculate!
Of course part b can be a security-risk, result in infinite loops or otherwise unwanted. Because of this that part is entirely optional. Every dabelle-b parser should be able to run in a mode where containing data is entirely ignored.
Output should be implemented into multiple formats (currently none is finished):
- Plaintext (but something prettier than dabelle)
- HTML (the possibilieties to make this flexible are endless)
- the "SocialCalc":http://aosabook.org/en/socialcalc.html serilisation format
- CSV (nearly no functionality, but easy to implement)
- odt/xlsx (well, no.. not in the forseeable future at least)
- ...
basically dabelle works similar to CSV, but with some more restrictions:
- \n for linebreaks
- UTF-8 only
- | as field delimeter (why the hell would someone use comma or semikolon? it's something occuring permanently in numeric data)
additional the first symbol in a cell might have special meaning. Commands that need data (i.e. "merge with N next fields" or "name for this field is X") then that command is closed by the same symbol that started it unparseable field-content is treated as not containing any commands at all (although an error should be logged)
- _ make this field the vertical heading
- ! make this field the horizontal heading
- & merge with next field, if followed by integer, then merge with next N fields
- = calculate something, if both field-text and this is aviable, then field-text is only displayed if this doesn't evaluate
two modes to run should be whole-file or inline-modes
in whole file it's asumed that everything in that file is a single table Those files should be named *.dabl for obvious reasons.
in inline-mode one file can contain arbitrary numbers of tables everything outside of tables is ignored (and forwarded to output without change) tables are started/ended via "\n||table_name||\n" and "\n||/table_name||\n"
this is an example text
it's to be completely ignored by the parser
but the next line starts the first table
||table 1||
_multiply with_!titles|!foo|!bar|!foobar
||/table 1||
this text is ignored again
Plan is to write parsers in python and maybe js and/or go.
...will this work? It's doen when it's done!
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