This Repository is a copy of the Spanning-Tree-Simulation Repository. This Repository is modified for AWS Lambda for use on my personal website
This Project was created by Florian Drinkler. It is for the "Labor Netztechnik" (english: "Laboratory network technology") Lecture, 4th semester.
Documentation and Information about the Project can be found here (German).
The Project is compiled with the Java SE 9 Version.
Which means the jar File needs to be executed with a Java Version greater or equal than SE 9.
It was tested with the Java SE 12 Version.
JDK Installation Instructions for Windows
Usage: <main class> [options]
-h, --help
Shows all available options.
-i, --input
Name of the input file.
Default: graph.txt
Max allowed length of a node name.
Default: 100
Max allowed lines of the input file.
Default: 100
Max allowed range for the weight of a link.
Default: 100
Max allowed range for the id of a node.
Default: 100
-o, --output
Name of the output file.
Default: output.txt
The amount of broadcasts for each node. (Lower numbers could output
wrong solutions!)
Default: 10
The jar File can be found in the release Folder or under releases. The latest release can be found here.
The files graph.txt
and graph2.txt
are examples for the input file.
java -jar spanning-tree-simulation-1.1.3.jar [options]
- It must be a .txt file
- Lines with Comments are getting ignored
- You must start with the Nodes
- The Graph isn't checked for correctness
Graph <mygraphname> {
<Nodename> = <ID of Node>;
// Line gets ignored (Comment)
<Nodename> - <Nodename> : <Weight of Link>;
Copyright © 2017 JCommander Dependency. Released under the Apache License 2.0