Self-custody solution for interacting with the DripDropz platform.
Usage: remote-signer --host <HOST> --port <PORT> --host-public-key <HOST_PUBLIC_KEY> --address <ADDRESS> --private-key <PRIVATE_KEY> --public-key <PUBLIC_KEY> --jwt-token <JWT_TOKEN>
--host <HOST>
Server dns name or ip address [env: RSIGNER_HOST=]
--port <PORT>
Server dns name or ip address. [env: RSIGNER_PORT=]
--host-public-key <HOST_PUBLIC_KEY>
Public master key for the remote host as hex. [env: RSIGNER_HOST_PUBLIC_KEY=]
--address <ADDRESS>
Cardano address that holds funds we'll be signing for. [env: RSIGNER_ADDRESS=]
--private-key <PRIVATE_KEY>
Private skey value as hex. [env: RSIGNER_SKEY=]
--public-key <PUBLIC_KEY>
Public vkey value as hex. [env: RSIGNER_VKEY=]
--jwt-token <JWT_TOKEN>
JWT authentication token for the server. [env: RSIGNER_JWT_TOKEN=]
-h, --help
Print help
-V, --version
Print version