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Releases: EarthyScience/REddyProc

REddyProc 1.3.3

26 Jan 11:45
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  • Fixed bug in plotting daily sums, where default scale (gC / day) was of by
    a factor nRecInDays.
  • Plotting daily sums: Uncertainty computation conservatively assumes fully
    correlated errors rather than fully independent errors
  • Provide argument isSplitDatetime to fWriteDataframeToFile to write files
    consistent with the REddyProc web tool.
  • Implement experimental version of Vekuri23 lookup-table variant of gapfilling
  • test breakpoint in Barr13 by more powerful pscore.test (Muggeo 2016)
  • include mlegp dependency again - its on CRAN again

CRAN 1.3.2

07 Jun 07:38
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  • Avoid strong dependency on mlegp (#58).
    Daytime partitioning, unfortunately, now requires users to install package
    mlegp by hand.
  • support reading basic variables from Ameriflux data files
  • adapt plotting NEE vs. ustar to recent dplyr (avoid deprecation warning)

CRAN 1.3.1

01 Dec 17:12
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What's Changed

fix bug: default ustar threshold scenario of intermediates of daytime-partitioning is first scenario (instead of empty) now

CRAN 1.3

15 Oct 08:21
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adapted C code to work with R4.x and current Rcpp

CRAN 1.2.1

17 Mar 13:44
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bug fix release preventing passing invalid day of year to strptime

CRAN 1.2.2

20 Mar 09:53
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CRAN release of version 1.2.2
that merged bug-fix of 1.2.1 with developments of master since 1.2.0

CRAN 1.2

02 Apr 17:12
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Cran release

CRAN 1.1.5

28 May 16:01
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reworking dependencies

CRAN version and Biogeosciences paper

12 Feb 07:46
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This version of the package has been released to CRAN.

Further, this version is cited with the discussion paper about REddyProc in Biogeosciences.


14 Mar 09:23
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Release daytime partitioning (rectangular hyperbolic light response curve)