Releases: EarthyScience/REddyProc
Releases · EarthyScience/REddyProc
REddyProc 1.3.3
- Fixed bug in plotting daily sums, where default scale (gC / day) was of by
a factor nRecInDays. - Plotting daily sums: Uncertainty computation conservatively assumes fully
correlated errors rather than fully independent errors - Provide argument isSplitDatetime to fWriteDataframeToFile to write files
consistent with the REddyProc web tool. - Implement experimental version of Vekuri23 lookup-table variant of gapfilling
- test breakpoint in Barr13 by more powerful pscore.test (Muggeo 2016)
- include mlegp dependency again - its on CRAN again
CRAN 1.3.2
- Avoid strong dependency on mlegp (#58).
Daytime partitioning, unfortunately, now requires users to install package
mlegp by hand. - support reading basic variables from Ameriflux data files
- adapt plotting NEE vs. ustar to recent dplyr (avoid deprecation warning)
CRAN 1.3.1
What's Changed
fix bug: default ustar threshold scenario of intermediates of daytime-partitioning is first scenario (instead of empty) now
CRAN 1.3
CRAN 1.2.1
bug fix release preventing passing invalid day of year to strptime
CRAN 1.2.2
CRAN release of version 1.2.2
that merged bug-fix of 1.2.1 with developments of master since 1.2.0
CRAN 1.2
CRAN 1.1.5
reworking dependencies