A repository for the preprocessor of data to be used in SINDBAD MDI framework, and other research at the FLUXNET site scales
The tool put together data from 3 main sources
FLUXCOM data extractor that provides
- the fluxnet datasets LaThuile2007 and FLUXNET2015 releases
- remote sensing cutouts from fluxnet sites
Site level extractions of biomass and forest ages from Simon. These include the FLUXNET BADM as well as the GlobBiomass satellite retrievals.
Site level extraction of land and soil characteristics from FIDC that includes soil properties among others
Land cover properties from HILDA+ and Hansen
CLIFF downscaling of several global dataset to gapfill the tower measurements
Sujan Koirala [email protected] (on the tool and data), Nuno Carvalhais [email protected] (on the data)