- 100% Kotlin
- Koin
- Android Architecture Components
- Android X
- AAC's ViewModel that only needs height,width passed.
- Koin Service Locater that allows injectable dependencies anywhere
- Utils module w/ reusuable utilities
- Util level exensions and App level extensions more specific to just it's module
I chose to create a dynamically sizing recyclerview that can fit any device. It also adjusts to the devices pixel density. I decided to calculate how many 40x40 squares fit in the screen, and fit in each column. With those values I was able to repopulate the listview with the same data while changing the rows dynamically. Because I chose to use a recyclerview to fill the screen with a grid, it provided a different challenge for handling different orientations, but this method is the most accurate.
Viewmodel is a great tool because of it's in built ability to retain instances, however it is no substitute for caching. In the data layer I needed to save the list of squares that was generated. Creating a whole sqlite database with room was overkill, serializing the list into a string then putting it in the bundle is not good for big amounts of data. I decided it was best to just read/write to the disk.