A Rainmeter Skin set heavily inspired by the system information widgets from Conky I had on a previous ArchLinux notebook, and the Pollux style of TruCola's "Gemini Suite" Rainmeter skins.
- Shows CPU Usage and Temperature, along with graphs
- Shows currently playing music.
- Controls only appear on hover, and skin hides if targetted media player process isn't running.
- Web variant supports Spotify via Spicetify patching.
- Shows Internal and External IP address for your current network device.
- Shows upload and download speeds, along with graphs.
- Refreshes IP address on left click.
- Shows icons for each available ShortcutPanel.
- Shows 3 icons by default, with icon spacing set by formula.
- Shows shortcuts for Games Platforms
- Background changes on hover to match highlighted option
- Shows shortcuts for Internet applications
- Supports background changing on hover to match highlighted option (no images yet)
- Same as above, an overflow card for extra applications
- Shows Username, ComputerName, OS Version, Uptime, and your current audio device.
- Audio device changes on left click, mutes on right click, and adjusts volume via scroll wheel.
- Shows CPU and RAM Usage in a circular graph.
- Shows usage values on hover.
- Shows drive usage on C: and D: drives.
- Shows free space value on hover.
- Scrapes weather information using weatherbit.io
- Shows Temperature, humidity and current weather condition.
- Weather icons are from weatherbit.io's API Codes page
- A variant using icons based on Google's Material Design and StarLender's original GoogleWeather Rainmeter, rebuilt by me to cover all of weatherbit.io's API codes.
- A variant blatantly ripping off TruCola's WeatherPollux skin
- Features a random greeting pulled from a text file in @Resources