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TSteissberg committed Jul 30, 2021
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README.txt 11-December-2014

Example Applications with Modified version 3.7/4.2 blending algorithm by USGS

This package contains four example applications of CE-QUAL-W2 models, meant to
illustrate the features of the modified blending algorithm.

Example #1: det_normal_uro-float_400fmin

This is a model of Detroit Lake, OR, USA, for a "normal" water year, using a combination
of hypothetical outlets, where one of them is a floating outlet with a 400 cfs
minimum flow (float_400fmin).

This scenario uses 4 outlets:
1: floating weir, priority 1, 2.3 m depth, minimum 400 cfs, maximum 5600 cfs
2: spillway, priority -1 (nonblended)
3: lower power outlet, priority 1, maximum 5600 cfs
4: regulating outlet, priority -1 (nonblended), maximum 5600 cfs

Outlets 2 and 4 represent outlets used to "spill" excess flow that the other
outlets cannot handle. Those flows are preset in the outflow file, but the
temperature effects of those releases are accounted for by including them in the
blending group but giving them priorities of -1, which tells the model to
account for that heat but not adjust the flows through those two outlets. The
model estimates the temperatures released by those flows through the priority -1
outlets, then adjusts the temperature target for the blended releases accordingly.
In this case, we have two outlets of the same priority balancing flows from a
fixed elevation (outlet #3) and from a floating outlet (#1). It's not the most
exciting example, but it's a good example to illustrate the "nonblended" outflows
that are still accounted for in the temperature blending calculations.

The temperature target is in the file dynsplit_selective1.npt. It was set up to
try to eject lots of heat through mid-summer, then concentrate on colder water
releases based on a no-dams assessment of temperatures later in the year.

Note that when the maximum flow of an outlet is exceeded, even for a non-blended
outlet (priority -1), the maximum flow criterion is honored and excess releases
are shifted to other outlets.

Example #2: lop-dex_lopFloat_20ppmin

This is a model for calendar year 2002 for Lookout Point and Dexter Lakes
(lop-dex) using a floating outlet at Lookout Point (branch 1, outlet 1, 1-m
depth) with a 20% minimum power production constraint at Lookout Point Dam

Branch 1 is Lookout Point Lake, and the dam is given 3 outlets:
1: floating outlet at 1-m depth, priority 2, no minimum or maximum flow constraint
2: power outlet, priority 1, 20% minimum flow constraint
3: regulating outlet, priority 2, maximum head constraint of 51.42 m
TSSHARE is set to OFF, which tells the model to decide which of the two
priority-2 outlets to use in blending with the power outlet. There are times
when the RO (#3) is not available because of the maximum head constraint. In
that case, blending occurs between the power outlet and the floating outlet.
Late in the year, when we need cold-water releases and the lake level is lower,
blending occurs between the power outlet and the RO. In this scenario, at least
20% of the releases at Lookout Point Dam are constrained to go through the power
outlet (minfrac=0.2).

Branch 2 is Dexter Lake. Two outlets. Nothing special. Spillway is outlet #1
and has priority 2. Power outlet is #2 and has priority 1.

Temperature targets are in dynsplit_selective1.npt for Lookout Point and
dynsplit_selective2.npt for Dexter. They happen to be the same.

Example #3: det_multigate_example3

This example is a hypothetical case based on the Detroit Lake example, in which
a multiple-gate tower of 8 outlets is used to blend releases to meet a release
temperature target. The outlets are all fixed-elevation and arranged from 476 m
to 385 m so that each is 13 meters apart, vertically.

The intention is to blend releases from the lowest and the highest available
outlets. Therefore, priorities are set so that the deepest outlet has a priority
of 1, and the other outlets, from shallowest to deepest, have priorities from 2
to 8. In this way, the deepest outlet will be blended with the one that is
nearest to the surface. Each outlet is given a minimum head constraint of 2 m,
so that the outlet cannot be used if it is too near the water surface. No other
flow or head constraints are specified.

Note that the results from this scenario would be similar to those resulting from
setting all of the outlet priorities to the same number. In that case, the model
would first fulfill any minimum flow constraints (none here), then blend between
the lowest and highest available outlets. That is pretty much what is done in
this example, only through the explicit setting of priorities.

Example #4: det_multigate_example4

This example is similar to example #3, except that some other constraints are
added and a different way of dealing with priorities is used.

In this example, outlet #6 is given a priority of 1 and all of the other outlets
are given a priority of 2. TSSHARE is set to OFF, meaning that the model is
supposed to choose one of the priority-2 outlets to blend releases with the
single priority 1 outlet. The choice is made after fulfilling any other minimum
flow constraints, and all of the priority 2 outlets are tested to see which one
is best used for meeting the target release temperature.

In this example, the priority 1 outlet is given a minimum flow constraint,
specifying that at least 20% of the total release should go through that outlet.
No other outlets have minimum or maximum flow constraints. However, the lowest
two outlets have maximum head constraints, such that they cannot be used if they
are deeper than 60 meters. All outlets were given a minimum head constraint,
such that they cannot be used unless there is at least 2 meters of depth at the
centerline elevation of the outlet.

So, the result is that outlet #6 is blended with an upper outlet during summer
when the goal is to export warmer water from the lake, and then blended with a
lower outlet when the goal is to export cold water late in the season, subject
to the lowest outlets not being more than 60 meters deep.

For more information, contact:
Stewart Rounds
U.S. Geological Survey
Oregon Water Science Center
2130 SW 5th Avenue
Portland, OR 97201
[email protected]


Norman Buccola
U.S. Geological Survey
Oregon Water Science Center
2130 SW 5th Avenue
Portland, OR 97201
[email protected]
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Constituent, hydrodynamic, and derived constituent names, formats, multipliers, and array viewer controls

....................HNAME................... FMTH HMULT HMIN HMAX HPLTC #
Timestep violations [NVIOL] (I10) 1.0 -1.0 1.0 OFF 1
Horizontal velocity [U], m/s (f10.3) 1.0 -.1000 0.25 OFF 2
Vertical velocity [W], m/s (f10.3) 1.0 -.1E-6 -0.01 OFF 3
Temperature [T1], <o/>C (f10.3) 1.0 -2.0 -30.0 ON 4
Density [RHO], kg/m^3 (f10.3) 1.0 997.0 1005.0 OFF 5
Vertical eddy viscosity [AZ], m^2/s (f10.3) 1.0 -1E-08 0.01 OFF 6
Velocity shear stress [SHEAR], 1/s^2 (f10.3) 1.0 -1E-08 0.01 OFF 7
Internal shear [ST], m^3/s^2 (f10.3) 1.0 -1E-08 0.01 OFF 8
Bottom shear [SB], m^3/s^2 (f10.3) 1.0 -1E-08 0.01 OFF 9
Longitudinal momentum [ADMX], m^3/s^2 (f10.3) 1.0 -1E-08 0.01 OFF 10
Longitudinal momentum [DM], m^3/s^2 (f10.3) 1.0 -1E-08 0.01 OFF 11
Horizontal density gradient [HDG], m^3/s^2 (f10.3) 1.0 -1E-08 0.01 OFF 12
Vertical momentum [ADMZ], m^3/s^2 (f10.3) 1.0 -1E-08 0.01 OFF 13
Horizontal pressure gradient [HPG], m^3/s^2 (f10.3) 1.0 -1E-08 10.0 OFF 14
Gravity term channel slope [GRAV], m^3/s^2 (f10.3) 1.0 0.0 0.0 OFF 15

....................CNAME.................... FMTC CMULT CMIN CMAX CPLTC #
TDS g/m3 or Salinity kg/m3 (F10.3) 1.0000 -1.0000 200.000 OFF 1
Water age, days (F10.3) 1.0000 -1.0000 1000.00 OFF 2
Large Suspended solids,g/m^3, #1 (F10.3) 1.0000 -1.0000 15.0000 OFF 3
Small Suspended solids,g/m^3, #3 (F10.3) 1.0000 -1.0000 15.0000 OFF 4
Phosphate, g/m^3 (F10.3) 1.0000 -1.0000 -50.000 OFF 5
Ammonium, g/m^3 (F10.3) 1.0000 -0.1000 -300.00 OFF 6
Nitrate-Nitrite, g/m^3 (F10.3) 1.0000 -0.1000 -5.0000 OFF 7
Dissolved silica, g/m^3 (F10.3) 1.0000 -1.0000 10.0000 OFF 8
Particulate silica, g/m^3 (F10.3) 1.0000 -0.2000 15.0000 OFF 9
Total iron, g/m^3 (F10.3) 1.0000 -0.1000 2.00000 OFF 10
Labile DOM, g/m^3 (F10.3) 1.0000 -0.1000 -3.0000 OFF 11
Refractory DOM, g/m^3 (F10.3) 1.0000 -0.1000 4.00000 OFF 12
Labile POM, g/m^3 (F10.3) 1.0000 -0.1000 3.00000 OFF 13
Refractory POM, g/m^3 (F10.3) 1.0000 -0.1000 4.00000 OFF 14
Dissolved oxygen, g/m^3 (F10.3) 1.0000 -2.0000 15.0000 OFF 15
Inorganic carbon, g/m^3 (F10.3) 1.0000 -1.0000 10.0000 OFF 16
Alkalinity, g/m^3 (F10.3) 1.0000 -1.0000 200.000 OFF 17
Zooplankton, g/m^3 (F10.3) 1.0000 -0.0100 3.00000 OFF 18
LDOM P, mg/m^3 (g10.3) 1000.0 0.0 1.0 OFF 19
RDOM P, mg/m^3 (g10.3) 1000.0 0.0 1.0 OFF 20
LPOM P, mg/m^3 (g10.3) 1000.0 0.0 1.0 OFF 21
RPOM P, mg/m^3 (g10.3) 1000.0 0.0 1.0 OFF 22
LDOM N, mg/m^3 (g10.3) 1000.0 0.0 1.0 OFF 23
RDOM N, mg/m^3 (g10.3) 1000.0 0.0 1.0 OFF 24
LPOM N, mg/m^3 (g10.3) 1000.0 0.0 1.0 OFF 25
RPOM N, mg/m^3 (g10.3) 1000.0 0.0 1.0 OFF 26

....................CDNAME................... FMTCD CDMULT CDMIN CDMAX CDPLTC #
Dissolved organic carbon, g/m^3 (F10.3) 1.0 -1.0 25.0 OFF 1
Particulate organic carbon, g/m^3 (F10.3) 1.0 -1.0 50.0 OFF 2
Total organic carbon, g/m^3 (F10.3) 1.0 -1.0 25.0 OFF 3
Dissolved organic nitrogen, g/m^3 (F10.3) 1.0 -1.0 25.0 OFF 4
Particulate organic nitrogen, g/m^3 (F10.3) 1.0 -1.0 25.0 OFF 5
Total organic nitrogen, g/m^3 (F10.3) 1.0 -1.0 50.0 OFF 6
Total Kheldahl Nitrogen, g/m^3 (F10.3) 1.0 -1.0 15.0 OFF 7
Total nitrogen, g/m^3 (F10.3) 1.0 -1.0 15.0 OFF 8
Dissolved organic phosphorus, mg/m^3 (F10.3) 1000.0 -1.0 25.0 OFF 9
Particulate organic phosphorus, mg/m^3 (F10.3) 1000.0 -1.0 -1.0 OFF 10
Total organic phosphorus, mg/m^3 (F10.3) 1000.0 -1.0 5.0 OFF 11
Total phosphorus, mg/m^3 (F10.3) 1000.0 -1.0 20.0 OFF 12
Algal production, g/m^2/day (F10.3) 1.0 -1.0 5.0 OFF 13
Chlorophyll a, mg/m^3 (F10.3) 1.0 -5.0 145.0 OFF 14
Total algae, g/m^3 (F10.3) 1.0 -1.0 60.0 OFF 15
Oxygen % Gas Saturation (F10.3) 1.0 -1.0 50.0 OFF 16
Total suspended Solids, g/m^3 (F10.3) 1.0 -1.0 5.0 OFF 17
Total Inorganic Suspended Solids,g/m^3 (F10.3) 1.0 -1.0 20.0 OFF 18
Carbonaceous Ultimate BOD, g/m^3 (F10.3) 1.0 5.0 9.0 OFF 19
pH (F10.3) 1.0 -1.0 10.0 OFF 20
CO2 (F10.3) 1.0 -1.0 10.0 OFF 21
HCO3 (F10.3) 1.0 -1.0 10.0 OFF 22
CO3 (F10.3) 0.0 0.0 0.0 OFF 23

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