Python port of the SparkFun Qwiic Scale NAU7802 Arduino Library
To install, simply use : pip install PyNAU7802
in a terminal window
The function name and arguments are the exact same as the original library, use it's documentation to get started.
This package use smbus2 as the I2C bus. Here is a small working example :
import PyNAU7802
import smbus2
# Create the bus
bus = smbus2.SMBus(1)
# Create the scale and initialize it
scale = PyNAU7802.NAU7802()
if scale.begin(bus):
print("Can't find the scale, exiting ...\n")
# Calculate the zero offset
print("Calculating the zero offset...")
print("The zero offset is : {0}\n".format(scale.getZeroOffset()))
print("Put a known mass on the scale.")
cal = float(input("Mass in kg? "))
# Calculate the calibration factor
print("Calculating the calibration factor...")
print("The calibration factor is : {0:0.3f}\n".format(scale.getCalibrationFactor()))
input("Press [Enter] to measure a mass. ")
print("Mass is {0:0.3f} kg".format(scale.getWeight()))