My name is Emmanuel Sibanda. I was born in Zimbabwe, studied law, worked and built a startup in South Africa, I now live in the US (within the US, I lived in New York -> Tulsa -> Austin -> New York)
Programming Languages JavaScript, Python, R, Typescript, Ruby
Frameworks and tools React/NextJS, Django, NodeJS
My Why I love building projects and solving interesting projects. I got into Engineering so I could turn my ideas into full fledged products
What else do I do? Boxing, Gym, Chess, BJJ, Swimming, Hiking
Do I have a portfolio? Yeah: Portfolio
A few things I have built
- Currently building a business giving students across Africa access to laptops preloaded with offline AI to help them prepare for exams and learn new skills (Linux, Google Cloud, Vector embedding, LLAMA3.2, AI fine tuning, Python)
- Pair Programming Platform -> GitHub -> Deployed (Django | React)
- Gamified Code Editor -> GitHub -> Deployed (NodeJS | React)
- Boxing Prediction Web App -> GitHub (Flask | Python | R)
- Simple Interactive Site (Take Home Challenge) -> GitHub -> Deployed (NextJS)
- Analysing the efficacy of marketing campaigns -> GitHub (Analytics | SQL | Python)
- PEMDAS Operation Calculator (Take Home Challenge) -> GitHub (React)
- WhatsApp Bot -> GitHub (Python)
How do you reach me? Email me at: [email protected]