Releases: EmmaTellblom/Mensinator
Releases · EmmaTellblom/Mensinator
version 1.9.3
What's Changed
- Fix calendar title for de by @carstenhag in #187
- Restrict symptom name input to 1 line, trim whitespaces by @carstenhag in #193
- Deselect dates when switching months by @carstenhag in #194
- Enable horizontal swiping on calendar screen by @carstenhag in #170
Full Changelog: v1.9.2...v1.9.3
version 1.9.2
What's Changed
- Update strings.xml by @Malgorzatangle in #144
- Add german translations, enable support in settings by @carstenhag in #146
- Fix #117: Update screenshots prevent switch without refreshing the app by @RoonyShekho09 in #150
- color picker grid #118 by @klokidis in #152
- Fix CreateNewSymptomDialog placeholder text not using translation key by @carstenhag in #155
- Complete german translation by @carstenhag in #154
- round corners to settings too by @klokidis in #153
- Migrate to standard android locale detection (impl) by @carstenhag in #157
- Enable monochrome app icon by @carstenhag in #158
- fixing #119 by @klokidis in #159
- Added to Polish and French Translations by @Malgorzatangle in #161
- Feature/issue160 by @Blechwolf in #162
- Fix translation keys breaking build by @carstenhag in #165
- Add CI pipeline by @carstenhag in #166
- Update dependencies, set compileSdk to 35 by @carstenhag in #164
- Adapt CI pipeline to add android lint comments/checks by @carstenhag in #167
- Update upload-sarif action to v3 by @carstenhag in #169
- Remove formatting argument from key by @carstenhag in #168
- Harmonize dialogs, general cleanup by @carstenhag in #171
- Fix symptom order consistency by @carstenhag in #175
- Improve landscape support by @carstenhag in #176
- Consistently remove period by @carstenhag in #174
- Introduce koin, add mockk for unit tests by @carstenhag in #180
- Create a MensinatorTopBar, to harmonize titles across the app by @carstenhag in #181
- Added missing German translations by @Blechwolf in #182
- Update strings.xml by @Malgorzatangle in #184
New Contributors
- @carstenhag made their first contribution in #146
- @RoonyShekho09 made their first contribution in #150
- @Blechwolf made their first contribution in #162
Full Changelog: v1.9.1...v1.9.2
version 1.9.1
Fixed bug with calculations and added polish/slovenian as languages
What's Changed
- Update by @Malgorzatangle in #136
- hot fix the errors and paddding by @klokidis in #137
New Contributors
- @Malgorzatangle made their first contribution in #136
Full Changelog: v1.9...v1.9.1
version 1.9
What's Changed
- New bottom menu!
- Dark mode adaption!
- Support for multiple symptoms on day
- Other UI improvements
New functionality:
- Symptoms have their own colors
- Symptoms can be renamed
- Symptoms can be deleted
- Setting to prevent screenshots in app
- Hindi completed
- French added
- Spanish added
- Polish added
- Slovenian added
Other improvements:
- Notifications no longer requires network discovery
New Contributors
- @klokidis made their first contribution in #79
- @Xytrios made their first contribution in #92
- @ljubitje made their first contribution in #133
Full Changelog: v1.8.4...v1.9
version 1.8.4
What's Changed
- Fixed issue with fastlane local
- Fixed issue with gradle version missmatch with wrapper
- Fixed bugg with import of app_settings
- Implemented screen protection and updated settings to include a switch for screen protection by @rubens23 in #75
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v1.8.3...v1.8.4
version 1.8.3
Fixed some issues with formatting
Bengali and Hindi language now available
version 1.8.2
Created new release to support fastlane at F-Droid.
version 1.8.1
Cleaned and rebuilt project to get rid of weird dependencies.
version 1.8.0
What's Changed
- Added Multi Language support! by @MrTheMech in #55
- If you want to help us translate to your language, add an issue or give us a shoot on discord!
- Add Romanian language support by @thatBeatrice in #58
- Added Swedish language support
- Hindi is partially available
- New matted colors
- Extended functionality of Export/Import
- Notification for upcoming period
- Settings for calculation history of ovulation and periods
- Added colors to symptoms
- Average luteal length added to statistics
- Cycle number can be disabled in settings
- Calendar now works in horizontal view
- Other small bugfixes...
New Contributors
- @MrTheMech made their first contribution in #55
- @thatBeatrice made their first contribution in #58
Full Changelog: