Personal project to further understanding of kubernetes
This test project is to apply knowledge learnt from Kubernetes CKAD training. This should allow more understanding of kubernetes deployment, AWS EKS and so on
This repository contains:
- Terraform code which sets up an AWS EKS Cluster with two node groups (one public and one private)
- Kubernetes manifests for:
- A service account named Service User
- A config map named html-config which holds a index.html file containing some basic html
- A deployment called k8s-deploy which uses an nginx container to show a simple html page. Details about the deployment:
- 2 replicas
- A Rolling update deployment strategy with 1 pod as the maximum unavailable allowed
- The pods:
- use the service account service-user
- run as user 1000
- contain one container which:
- runs the nginxinc/nginx-unprivileged image
- exposes the port 8080
- mounts a volume containing data from the "html-config" config map at /usr/share/nginx/html
- has a readiness probe which runs every 5 seconds after an initial delay of 5 seconds that uses the cat command to check that the expected index.html file has been mounted
- has a liveness probe which runs every 5 seconds after an initial delay of 5 seconds that does a http get to the / path
- has memory and cpu requests set as 64Mi amd 250m respectively
- has memory and cpu limits set as 128Mi amd 500m respectively
- A loadbalancer service called k8s-deploy which exposes the deployment to port 80 of the Load Balancer provisioned by AWS
- A script which can be used to deploy prometheus into the cluster for logging and monitoring purposes in a separate namespace
Note: In the steps below $ denotes that what follows is a terminal command To run,
- Deploy EKS via Terraform:
- Setup vars either inline or using a .tfvars file
- $ terraform init
- $ terraform plan
- $ terraform apply
- To deploy kubernetes resources
- Connect local kubectl to the cluster
- Ensure your awscli is configured to access a role or user with sufficient permissions
- $ aws eks --region eu-west-1 update-kubeconfig --name k8s-deploy
- $ cd kubernetes-manifests
- $ kubectl create -f .
- Connect local kubectl to the cluster
- To deploy prometheus into the cluster
- $ cd kubernetes-manifests/config
- $ bash