Here are guidelines and some examples to use OSC with EMOTIV Brainwear®.
- Download and install the EMOTIV App and EmotivBCI
- Get a EmotivBCI license from
- install python-osc:
pip install python-osc
Connect to an Emotiv headset on EmotivBCI with a training profile.
Go to Open Sound Control (OSC) tab in EmotivBCI, choose Sending Mode, add IP and Port number.
Choose Data streams, then Click Start button to start streaming.
Data Type : float32 - 32-bit big-endian IEEE 754 floating point number
OSC Packets : The contents of an Emotiv OSC packet is an OSC Bundle with each of detection types output (Facial Expressions, Mental Commands, Performance Metrics). An OSC bundle contains multiple OSC Messages, with each of messages is an action from the detection types.
OSC Address Patterns :
/=== Facial Expressions - Eyes
Neutral: /fac/eyeAct/neutral
Look left: /fac/eyeAct/lookL
Look right: /fac/eyeAct/lookR
Blink: /fac/eyeAct/blink
Wink left: /fac/eyeAct/winkL
Wink right: /fac/eyeAct/winkR
/=== Facial Expressions - Upper Face
Neutral: /fac/uAct/neutral
Furrow brows: /fac/uAct/frown
Raise brows: /fac/uAct/surprise
/=== Facial Expressions - LowerFace
Neutral: /fac/lAct/neutral
Clench teeth: /fac/lAct/clench
Laugh: /fac/lAct/laugh
Smile: /fac/lAct/smile
Smirk left: /fac/lAct/smirkLeft
Smirk right: /fac/lAct/smirkRight
//=== Mental Commands
Neutral: /com/neutral
Push: /com/push
Pull: /com/pull
Left: /com/left
Right: /com/right
Lift: /com/lift
Drop: /com/drop
Roate left: /com/rotateLeft
Rotate right: /com/rotateRight
Rotate clock wise: /com/rotateClockwise
Rotate counter clock wise: /com/rotateCounterClockwise
Rotate Forwards: /com/rotateForwards
Rotate reverse: /com/rotateReverse
Disappear: /com/disappear
//=== Performance Metrics
Attention: /met/att
Interest: /met/int
Relaxation: /met/rel
Stress: /met/str
Excitement: /met/exc
Engagement: /met/eng
VisualAttention: /met/visualAttention
CognitiveStress: /met/cognitiveStress
AuditoryAttention: /met/auditoryAttention
Data Value Range
Facial Expressions, Mental Commands and Performance Metrics actions have a default value range (0, 1)
Value : -1 is used for Performance Metrics when an action is inactive.