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Rewiring commit
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ErikKusch committed Jul 5, 2022
1 parent a9ffadf commit 4343c66
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Showing 20 changed files with 732 additions and 598 deletions.
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions .Rhistory
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@@ -1,7 +1,3 @@
collapse = TRUE,
comment = "#>",
warning = FALSE
knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.width=6, fig.height=4, message = FALSE)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -509,4 +505,8 @@ library(NetworkExtinction)
plot(1:1e3, 1-pexp(1:1e3, rate = 1))
plot(1:1e3, 1-pexp(1:1e3, rate = 100))
plot(1:1e3, 1-pexp(1:1e3, rate = 0.0001))
plot(1:1e3, 1-pexp(1:1e3, rate = 0.001))
plot(1:1e3, 1-pexp(1:1e3, rate = 0.01))
9 changes: 7 additions & 2 deletions .Rproj.user/shared/notebooks/paths
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@@ -1,2 +1,7 @@
C:/Users/Erik Kusch/Desktop/[R Package] Network Extinction/R/Extintions.R="A28E7F0E"
D:/Documents/Work/[R Package] NetworkExtinction/R/Extintions.R="1D1BB781"
C:/Users/erike/Documents/Work/[Project] QuantiDoc Fish Health Score/PittmanIndex/PreShiny_Deploy.R="75B2FA30"
C:/Users/erike/Documents/Work/[Project] QuantiDoc Fish Health Score/PittmanIndex/Preamble.R="FB520A55"
C:/Users/erike/Documents/Work/[R Package] NetworkExtinction/NAMESPACE="2E8D7EF2"
C:/Users/erike/Documents/Work/[R Package] NetworkExtinction/R/Data.R="F2702D27"
C:/Users/erike/Documents/Work/[R Package] NetworkExtinction/R/NewExtinctionOrder.R="471A23E9"
C:/Users/erike/Documents/Work/[R Package] NetworkExtinction/R/NewSimulateExtinctions.R="BECBAC64"
C:/Users/erike/Documents/Work/[R Package] NetworkExtinction/vignettes/How_to_use_the_NetworkExtinction_Package.Rmd="4301D9B7"
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions NAMESPACE
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Expand Up @@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ importFrom(doParallel,registerDoParallel)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -50,7 +49,6 @@ importFrom(network,
Expand Down
12 changes: 10 additions & 2 deletions R/Data.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,14 @@

#' A toymodel distance matrix
#' A distance matrix used for demonstration of rewiring capabilities
#' @format a distance matrix

#' The foodweb of the intertidal zone in central chile
#' A trophic network with 107 species present in the intertidal zone of central Chile.
Expand All @@ -26,8 +34,8 @@

#' A sparsely connected foodweb
#' A trophic network with 30 species and 47 trophic interactions.
#' This foodweb has a connectance of 0.03
#' A network with 30 species and 47 interactions.
#' This network has a connectance of 0.03

#' @format a network
Expand Down
685 changes: 253 additions & 432 deletions R/Extintions.R

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

264 changes: 264 additions & 0 deletions R/NewExtinctionOrder.R
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@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
ExtinctionOrder <- function(Network, Order, IS = 0,
Rewiring = NULL, RewiringDist = NULL,
verbose = TRUE, clust.method = "cluster_infomap"){
## Setting up Objects for function run
Link_density <- Modularity <- Grado <- NULL
Network <- .DataInit(x = Network)
edgelist <-,matrix.type="edgelist") #Prey - Predator
Conected <- data.frame(ID = 1:network.size(Network), Grado = degree(edgelist, c("total")))
Conected1 <- Order
if(length(IS )== 1){
IS <- rep(IS, network.size(Network))
names(IS) <- get.vertex.attribute(Network, "vertex.names")

## Base net calculations
### identify base interaction strengths per node
if(sum(IS) != 0){
if(sum(get.edge.attribute(Network, "weight"), na.rm = TRUE) == 0){
stop("Either your network does not contain any edges with weights or your network does not have the edge attribute `weight` required for calculation of extinctions based on relative interaction strength loss.")
net <-, attrname = "weight")
netgraph <- suppressMessages(graph_from_adjacency_matrix(net, weighted = TRUE))
strengthbasenet <- igraph::strength(netgraph)
Weight_mat <-, attrname = "weight")

### identification of producers and top predators
indegreebasenet <- degree(Network, cmode = "indegree")
indegreebasenetzeros <- sum(degree(Network, cmode = "indegree") == 0)
indegreetopnetzeros <- sum(degree(Network, cmode = "outdegree") == 0)
Producers <- (1:length(degree(Network, cmode = "indegree")))[degree(Network, cmode = "indegree") == 0]
TopPredators <- (1:length(degree(Network, cmode = "outdegree")))[degree(Network, cmode = "outdegree") == 0]

### output object
DF <- data.frame(Spp = rep(NA, length(Order)),
S = rep(NA, length(Order)),
L = rep(NA, length(Order)),
C = rep(NA, length(Order)),
Link_density = rep(NA, length(Order)),
SecExt = rep(NA,length(Order)),
Pred_release = rep(NA,length(Order)),
Iso_nodes =rep (NA,length(Order)))
Secundaryext <- c()
Predationrel <- c()
accExt <- c()
totalExt <- c()
FinalExt <- list()
Conected3 <- c()

## Rewiring
### default decay parameter
diag(RewiringDist)<- NA
dist_10 <- quantile(RewiringDist, na.rm = TRUE, 0.1) # 10% distance quantile
decay <- 1/as.numeric(dist_10) # assuming mean rewiring capability lies at dist_10
Rewiring <- function(x){1-pexp(x, rate = decay)}

if(length(Rewiring )== 1){
fun <- deparse1(Rewiring)
Rewiring <- rep(fun, network.size(Network))
names(Rewiring) <- get.vertex.attribute(Network, "vertex.names")
# plot_seq <- seq(from = 0, to = max(RewiringDist[RewiringDist != 0], na.rm = TRUE), length = 1e3)
# plot(plot_seq,
# eval(str2lang(Rewiring[1]))(x)
# )

## Sequential extinction simulation
if(verbose){ProgBar <- txtProgressBar(max = length(Order), style = 3)}
for (i in 1:length(Order)){
# print(i)

### creating temporary network representations and deleting vertices if they have been set to go extinct
if (length(accExt)==0){
Temp <- Network
DF$Spp[i] <- Conected1[i]
delete.vertices(Temp, c(DF$Spp[1:i]))
if (length(accExt)>0){
Temp <- Network
Temp <- delete.vertices(Temp, c(accExt))
edgelist <-,matrix.type="edgelist")
# Conected2 <- data.frame(ID =1:network.size(Temp), Grado = degree(edgelist, c("total")))
# for(j in sort(accExt)){
# Conected2$ID <- ifelse(Conected2$ID < j, Conected2$ID, Conected2$ID + 1)
# }

DF$Spp[i] <- Conected1[i]
Temp <- Network

delete.vertices(Temp, unique(c(c(DF$Spp[1:i]),accExt)))

# print(Temp)

### network metrics to output object
DF$S[i] <- network.size(Temp)
DF$L[i] <- network.edgecount(Temp)
DF$C[i] <- network.density(Temp)
DF$Link_density[i] <- DF$L[i]/DF$S[i]

if(i > 1 ){
if(DF$L[i-1] == 0){
if(verbose){setTxtProgressBar(ProgBar, length(Order))}
warning(paste("All species in network went extinct through secondary extinction before all primary extinctions were simulated. This happened at extinction step", i-1, "out of", length(Order)))

### calculating modularity
Networkclass = class(Temp)
if (Networkclass[1] == "matrix"){
netgraph = graph_from_adjacency_matrix(Temp, mode = "directed", weighted = TRUE)

if (Networkclass[1] == "network"){
net =
netgraph = suppressMessages(graph_from_adjacency_matrix(net, mode = "directed", weighted = TRUE))

if (clust.method == "cluster_edge_betweenness"){
Membership = suppressWarnings(cluster_edge_betweenness(netgraph, weights = TRUE, directed = TRUE, edge.betweenness = TRUE,
merges = TRUE, bridges = TRUE, modularity = TRUE, membership = TRUE))
} else if (clust.method == "cluster_spinglass"){
spins = 107#network.size(Temp)
Membership = suppressWarnings(cluster_spinglass(netgraph, spins=spins)) #spins could be the Richness
}else if (clust.method == "cluster_label_prop"){
Membership = suppressWarnings(cluster_label_prop(netgraph, weights = TRUE, initial = NULL,
fixed = NULL))
}else if (clust.method == "cluster_infomap"){
nb.trials = 107#network.size(Temp)
Membership = suppressWarnings(cluster_infomap(as.undirected(netgraph),
e.weights = E(netgraph)$weight,
v.weights = NULL,
nb.trials = nb.trials,
modularity = TRUE))

} else if (clust.method == "none"){
Membership = NA
}else stop('Select a valid method for clustering. ?SimulateExtinction')
# if({
DF$Modularity[i] <- Membership$modularity
# }else{
# DF$Modularity[i] <- suppressWarnings(modularity(Membership))
# }

### identifying secondary extinctions
#### Producers
SecundaryextTemp <- (1:length(degree(Temp, cmode = "indegree")))[degree(Temp, cmode = "indegree") == 0]
for(j in sort(unique(c(c(DF$Spp[1:i]),accExt)))){
SecundaryextTemp <- ifelse(SecundaryextTemp < j, SecundaryextTemp, SecundaryextTemp + 1)
Secundaryext <- SecundaryextTemp
Secundaryext <- Secundaryext[!(Secundaryext %in% Producers)]
DF$SecExt[i] <- length(Secundaryext)

#### Predators
PredationrelTemp <- (1:length(degree(Temp, cmode = "outdegree")))[degree(Temp, cmode = "outdegree") == 0]
for(j in sort(unique(c(c(DF$Spp[1:i]),accExt)))){
PredationrelTemp <- ifelse(PredationrelTemp < j, PredationrelTemp, PredationrelTemp + 1)
Predationrel <- PredationrelTemp
Predationrel <- Predationrel[!(Predationrel %in% TopPredators)]
DF$Pred_release[i]<- length(Predationrel)
DF$Iso_nodes[i] <- sum(degree(Temp) == 0)

### rewiring
accExt <- append(accExt, DF$Spp[1:i])
Rewiring_df <- data.frame(Direction = NA,
Species = NA,
NewPartner = NA,
LostPartner = NA,
IS = NA)
Rewiring_df <- na.omit(Rewiring_df)
#### loop over all deleted vertices and the connections lost because of their exclusion
for(Iter_PrimaryExt in 1:length(accExt)){
# Iter_PrimaryExt = 1
LostPartner <- get.vertex.attribute(Network, "vertex.names")[accExt[Iter_PrimaryExt]] # name of primary extinction species
LostIS <- Weight_mat[, LostPartner] # lost interaction strength with nodes now slated for secondary extinction
Direction <- 1 # identify column-driven loss
if(sum(abs(LostIS))==0){# if the primary species is not an animal, LostIS will be filled with 0s, so we need to look for LosTIS in other orientiation in Weight_mat
LostIS <- Weight_mat[LostPartner, ]
Direction <- 2 # identify row-driven loss

for(Iter_LostIS in 1:length(LostIS)){ ## looping over all species that were linked to the current primary extinction
# Iter_LostIS = 1
LostPartnerSim <- eval(str2lang(Rewiring[Iter_LostIS]))(dist_mat[,LostPartner]) # probability of rewiring too each node in network given rewiring function and species similraity
RewiringCandidates <- LostPartnerSim[LostPartnerSim > 0.3 & names(LostPartnerSim) %in% get.vertex.attribute(Temp, "vertex.names")] # rewiring probability for nodes still in temporary network and having a higher rewiring probability than 0.3
RewiredPartner <- names(which.max(RewiringCandidates)) # most likely rewiring partner
if(!is.null(RewiredPartner)){ # if a rewired partner has been found
Rewiring_df <- rbind(Rewiring_df,
data.frame(Direction = Direction,
Species = names(LostIS[Iter_LostIS]),
NewPartner = RewiredPartner,
LostPartner = LostPartner,
IS = LostIS[Iter_LostIS])

#### shift interaction weights in Weight_mat
for(Iter_Rewiring in 1:nrow(Rewiring_df)){
# Iter_Rewiring = 1
## assigning shifted interaction strength
ColSpec <- Rewiring_df[Iter_Rewiring,4-Rewiring_df[Iter_Rewiring,"Direction"]]
RowSpec <- Rewiring_df[Iter_Rewiring,1+Rewiring_df[Iter_Rewiring,"Direction"]]
Weight_mat[RowSpec, ColSpec] <- Weight_mat[RowSpec, ColSpec] + Rewiring_df[Iter_Rewiring,"IS"]
## deleting shiften interaction strength

ColLost <- ifelse(Rewiring_df[Iter_Rewiring, "Direction"] == 1,
Rewiring_df[Iter_Rewiring, "LostPartner"],
Rewiring_df[Iter_Rewiring, "Species"])
RowLost <- ifelse(Rewiring_df[Iter_Rewiring, "Direction"] == 1,
Rewiring_df[Iter_Rewiring, "Species"],
Rewiring_df[Iter_Rewiring, "LostPartner"])
Weight_mat[RowLost, ColLost] <- 0
#### establishing rewired network and deleting primary extinction nodes
Network <-, matrix.type = "adjacency", ignore.eval=FALSE, names.eval='weight')
Temp <- Network
delete.vertices(Temp, unique(c(c(DF$Spp[1:i]),accExt)))

#### Relative Interaction Strength loss
if(sum(IS) == 0){
Secundaryext <- get.vertex.attribute(Temp, "vertex.names")[which(degree(Temp) == 0)]
Secundaryext <- match(Secundaryext, get.vertex.attribute(Network, "vertex.names"))
AbsIS <- igraph::strength(suppressMessages(graph_from_adjacency_matrix(, attrname = "weight"),
weighted = TRUE)
RelISloss <- AbsIS / strengthbasenet[names(strengthbasenet) %in% get.vertex.attribute(Temp, "vertex.names")]
Secundaryext <- which(AbsIS == 0 | RelISloss < IS[match(names(RelISloss), names(IS))])
Secundaryext <- match(names(Secundaryext), get.vertex.attribute(Network, "vertex.names"))
DF$SecExt[i] <- length(Secundaryext)

### Return of objects
FinalExt[[i]] <- (Secundaryext)
accExt <- append(accExt, DF$Spp[1:i])
accExt <- unique(append(accExt,Secundaryext))
if(verbose){setTxtProgressBar(ProgBar, i)}

DF <- DF[complete.cases(DF),]
DF$AccSecExt <- cumsum(DF$SecExt)
DF$NumExt <- 1:nrow(DF)
DF$TotalExt <- DF$AccSecExt + DF$NumExt
DF <- relocate(DF, Modularity, .after = Link_density)
class(DF) <- c("data.frame", "SimulateExt")
return(list(sims = DF,
Network = Temp))
27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions R/NewSimulateExtinctions.R
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@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
SimulateExtinctions <- function(Network, Method, Order = NULL,
clust.method = "cluster_infomap",
IS = 0,
Rewiring = FALSE, RewiringDist = NULL,
verbose = TRUE){
Network <- .DataInit(x = Network)

if(!is.null(Order)){Method <- "Ordered"}

'%ni%'<- Negate('%in%')
if(Method %ni% c("Mostconnected", "Ordered")) stop('Choose the right method. See ?SimulateExtinction.')

if(Method == "Mostconnected"){
edgelist <-,matrix.type="edgelist") #Prey - Predator
Conected <- data.frame(ID = 1:network.size(Network), Grado = degree(edgelist, c("total")))
Conected <- arrange(Conected, desc(Grado))
DF <- ExtinctionOrder(Network = Network, Order = Conected$ID, clust.method = clust.method,
IS = IS, Rewiring = Rewiring, RewiringDist = RewiringDist, verbose = verbose)
if(Method == "Ordered"){
DF <- ExtinctionOrder(Network = Network, Order = Order, clust.method = clust.method,
IS = IS, Rewiring = Rewiring, RewiringDist = RewiringDist, verbose = verbose)


Binary file modified data/Less_Connected.rda
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified data/More_Connected.rda
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added data/dist.rda
Binary file not shown.
8 changes: 3 additions & 5 deletions man/CompareExtinctions.Rd

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