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Escuela de Ingeniería en Computación

Plataforma colaborativa de la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales de la UNC para impulsar la innovación y el aprendizaje en Ing. en Computación

🚀 ¡Bienvenidos a la Escuela de Ingeniería en Computación de la UNC! 🎓

👩‍🏫 Nuestra Misión

Formamos profesionales de alto nivel con valores sólidos y conocimientos avanzados, listos para satisfacer las necesidades del país y destacar en el mundo profesional. Nos enfocamos en mantener nuestra enseñanza siempre actualizada y relevante. 🎓📚

🔍 ¿Qué Hacemos?

  • Planificación Académica: Somos el núcleo de la planificación docente, asegurando que la enseñanza sea de la más alta calidad y esté siempre alineada con las tendencias actuales. 📅📖
  • Asesoramiento Estudiantil: Acompañamos a nuestros estudiantes a lo largo de su formación, brindando orientación y apoyo constante. 👥💬
  • Innovación Curricular: Revisamos y actualizamos continuamente nuestros planes de estudio para equipar a nuestros graduados con las habilidades necesarias para enfrentar los desafíos del mercado laboral y contribuir a la sociedad. 🔄🏗️
  • Supervisión y Evaluación: Supervisamos rigurosamente la enseñanza de las asignaturas y evaluamos la eficacia de nuestra oferta académica para mantener un estándar de excelencia. 📈🎓
  • Participación Estudiantil: Fomentamos una participación activa de los estudiantes en la vida universitaria, creando un ambiente de aprendizaje colaborativo y enriquecedor. 🙋‍♂️🙋‍♀️

🤝 Colaboraciones Industriales

Colaboramos con líderes de la industria para ofrecer a nuestros estudiantes experiencias prácticas y asegurarnos de que nuestra enseñanza esté alineada con las necesidades del mundo real. Además, trabajamos en proyectos conjuntos que impactan directamente en nuestra comunidad y más allá. 🌐👷

🎤 Eventos y Seminarios

Organizamos regularmente eventos, talleres y seminarios con expertos de todo el mundo para compartir conocimientos y fomentar una comunidad de aprendizaje continuo. ¡No te pierdas la oportunidad de aprender de los mejores! 📢🌍

💪 ¡Únete a Nosotros!

Si eres estudiante, profesor, o un potencial patrocinador interesado en unirte a nuestro emocionante viaje, tenemos un lugar para ti. Juntos, podemos hacer una diferencia en el mundo de la tecnología. 🤗🌟

🚀 Welcome to the School of Computer Engineering at UNC! 🎓

👩‍🏫 Our Mission

We train high-level professionals with strong values and advanced knowledge, ready to meet the country's needs and excel in the professional world. We focus on keeping our teaching always up-to-date and relevant. 🎓📚

🔍 What We Do

  • Academic Planning: We are the core of academic planning, ensuring that teaching is of the highest quality and always aligned with current trends. 📅📖
  • Student Support: We accompany our students throughout their education, providing continuous guidance and support. 👥💬
  • Curriculum Innovation: We continuously review and update our curricula to equip our graduates with the skills needed to face the challenges of the job market and contribute to society. 🔄🏗️
  • Supervision and Evaluation: We rigorously supervise the teaching of subjects and evaluate the effectiveness of our academic offerings to maintain a standard of excellence. 📈🎓
  • Student Participation: We encourage active student participation in university life, creating a collaborative and enriching learning environment. 🙋‍♂️🙋‍♀️

🤝 Industrial Collaborations

We collaborate with industry leaders to provide our students with practical experiences and ensure that our teaching aligns with real-world needs. Additionally, we work on joint projects that have a direct impact on our community and beyond. 🌐👷

🎤 Events and Seminars

We regularly organize events, workshops, and seminars with experts from around the world to share knowledge and foster a continuous learning community. Don't miss the opportunity to learn from the best! 📢🌍

💪 Join Us!

Whether you're a student, a professor, or a potential sponsor interested in joining our exciting journey, we have a place for you. Together, we can make a difference in the world of technology. 🤗🌟

Popular repositories Loading

  1. .github .github Public

    Description page

  2. external-ProjectManagement external-ProjectManagement Public

  3. school-forum school-forum Public

    A collaborative platform for engaging discussions, knowledge sharing, and problem-solving within the School of Computer Engineering community.

  4. staff-access-monitoring-system staff-access-monitoring-system Public

    This project is a prototype system for monitoring staff access to a computer laboratory using biometric data. It captures biometric information, links it to individual identities, and securely stor…

  5. computer-laboratory-web-page computer-laboratory-web-page Public

    Landing Page for the Computer Laboratory

    JavaScript 1

  6. baremetal-k8s-cluster baremetal-k8s-cluster Public

    This project will repurpose existing servers in the Computer Laboratory to create a prototype environment to deploy different containered applications.


Showing 7 of 7 repositories
  • computer-laboratory-web-page Public

    Landing Page for the Computer Laboratory

    Esc-IngComp-UNC/computer-laboratory-web-page’s past year of commit activity
    JavaScript 0 MIT 1 4 0 Updated Jan 31, 2025
  • examples-and-tools Public

    Useful examples and tools for our developers and researchers.

    Esc-IngComp-UNC/examples-and-tools’s past year of commit activity
    0 MIT 0 0 0 Updated Sep 28, 2024
  • staff-access-monitoring-system Public

    This project is a prototype system for monitoring staff access to a computer laboratory using biometric data. It captures biometric information, links it to individual identities, and securely stores the data on a remote server. The system includes a simple web interface for administrators to monitor and manage access records.

    Esc-IngComp-UNC/staff-access-monitoring-system’s past year of commit activity
    0 MIT 0 5 0 Updated Sep 27, 2024
  • baremetal-k8s-cluster Public

    This project will repurpose existing servers in the Computer Laboratory to create a prototype environment to deploy different containered applications.

    Esc-IngComp-UNC/baremetal-k8s-cluster’s past year of commit activity
    0 GPL-3.0 0 0 0 Updated Aug 30, 2024
  • Esc-IngComp-UNC/external-ProjectManagement’s past year of commit activity
    0 GPL-3.0 0 3 0 Updated Aug 10, 2024
  • school-forum Public

    A collaborative platform for engaging discussions, knowledge sharing, and problem-solving within the School of Computer Engineering community.

    Esc-IngComp-UNC/school-forum’s past year of commit activity
    0 MIT 0 0 0 Updated Aug 10, 2024
  • .github Public

    Description page

    Esc-IngComp-UNC/.github’s past year of commit activity
    0 0 0 0 Updated Aug 10, 2024

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