ShestakUI (Classic)
1.9.3 (2023-11-14)
Full Changelog Previous Releases
- Updated version to 1.9.3
- [Loot] GroupLoot: Cataclysm should support disenchanting on group loot roll frames
- [UnitFrames] HealPrediction should be available come Cataclysm
- [Classic] Some initial Cata Classic prep
- Nameplates] Allow for offtank color in Wrath now that roles have been added
- [Chat] Allow role icons option in Wrath Classic
- [Tooltip] Tooltip modifications for Classic
- Cleanup.
- [Skins] Blizzard - QuestLog: Apparently this doesn't yet exist in Classic
- Cleanup.
- Cleanup.
- [Auras] Filger: Don't load LibClassicDurations in Patch 1.15
- Cleanup.
- Cleanup.