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399 lines (201 loc) · 14.2 KB


Represents a color in the CMYK color model. A color in the CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, black) color model. CMYK is a subtractive color model commonly used in color printing.


Property Type Description
colorSpace ColorSpace The color spaced used defined by an ICC color profile.
values [double] The values for the color and alpha channels as defined by the color model. Alpha is the last value in the array for all colors.


Property Type Description

Enumeration: ColorSpaceType

Specifies color spaces used for colors.

Property Value Description
RGB 1 The RGB (red, green, blue) color space.
CMYK 2 The CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, black) color space.
Gray 3 The Grayscale color space.
HSV 4 The HSV (hue, saturation, value (brightness)) color space.
HLS 5 The HSL (hue, saturation, lightness) color space.
XYZ 7 The XYZ color space.
LAB 8 The LAB color space.
Spot 9 Spot color space.


Represents a color scheme composed of discrete colors. A color scheme composed of an ordered list of discrete colors.


Property Type Description
colorSpace ColorSpace The color spaced used defined by an ICC color profile.


Property Type Description
colors [CIMColor] The ordered list of colors in the color scheme.
arrangement enumeration FixedColorRampArrangementType The arrangement type.

Enumeration: FixedColorRampArrangementType

Specifies the arrangement type for fixed color ramp.

Property Value Description
Default 1 A fixed list of colors, typically used for unique value renderer.
Bivariate 2 A fixed list of colors for bivariate renderering. The count of colors should be equal to the number of breaks for each axis multiplied. For example, a 3x3 bivariate fixed list should have 9 colors in the order of A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, B3, C1, C2, C3 where values 1,2, and 3 correspond to classes in variable 1 and A, B, and C correspond to classes in variable 2.


Represents a grayscale color defined by lightness. A color in a grayscale model, where the value of lightness is defined.


Property Type Description
colorSpace ColorSpace The color spaced used defined by an ICC color profile.
values [double] The values for the color and alpha channels as defined by the color model. Alpha is the last value in the array for all colors.


Property Type Description


Represents a color defined by hue, saturation, and lightness. Transforms RGB values by defining the hue, saturation, and lightness of the color. The three values do not represent individual color channels but the HSL coordinates used to define the color in the RGB color model.


Property Type Description
colorSpace ColorSpace The color spaced used defined by an ICC color profile.
values [double] The values for the color and alpha channels as defined by the color model. Alpha is the last value in the array for all colors.


Property Type Description


Represents a color defined by hue, saturation, and brightness (value). Transforms RGB values by defining the hue, saturation, and brightness (value) of the color. The three values do not represent individual color channels but the HSV coordinates used to define the color in the RGB color model.


Property Type Description
colorSpace ColorSpace The color spaced used defined by an ICC color profile.
values [double] The values for the color and alpha channels as defined by the color model. Alpha is the last value in the array for all colors.


Property Type Description


Represents a color space defined by an International Color Consortium (ICC) color profile. A color space defined by an International Color Consortium (ICC) color profile.


Property Type Description


Property Type Description
URL string The URL of short name of the color space definition. As a shortcut, the following strings can be set instead of full URLs: "Default RGB", "Default CMYK", "CIELAB", "CIEXYZ", and "Default Gray".


Represents a color defined in the LAB color space. Defines colors in the CIELAB color space, which is a color-opponent space with dimension L for lightness and a and b for the color-opponent dimensions.


Property Type Description
colorSpace ColorSpace The color spaced used defined by an ICC color profile.
values [double] The values for the color and alpha channels as defined by the color model. Alpha is the last value in the array for all colors.


Property Type Description


Represents a linear continuous color ramp scheme. A color ramp color scheme that has a linear transition between two colors. This ramp is created using the CIELAB algorithm which blends two colors without traversing the intervening hue space.


Property Type Description
colorSpace ColorSpace The color spaced used defined by an ICC color profile.


Property Type Description
fromColor Color The beginning color for the color ramp (also known as a color scheme).
toColor Color The ending color for the color ramp (also known as a color scheme). This is the color that the scheme transitions to.
primitiveName string The primitive name.


Property Type Description


Represents a multipart color ramp scheme. A color ramp scheme defined by combining two or more continuous, discrete, or random ramps.


Property Type Description
colorSpace ColorSpace The color spaced used defined by an ICC color profile.


Property Type Description
colorRamps [CIMColorRamp] The ordered list of color ramps (also known as schemes) that are combined to build the multipart ramp. Typically these are continuous color ramps.
weights [double] The proportional weight for each color ramp (also known as a color scheme) that make up the multipart ramp. This allows for ramp to ramp transition at specific weight points.


Represents a polar continuous color ramp scheme. A color ramp scheme that has a polar transition between two colors. This scheme uses the HSV algorithm which uses a path around the color wheel to transition the hue, saturation, and value of the beginning color to the hue, saturation, and value of the ending color.


Property Type Description
colorSpace ColorSpace The color spaced used defined by an ICC color profile.


Property Type Description
fromColor Color The beginning color for the color ramp (also known as a color scheme).
toColor Color The ending color for the color ramp (also known as a color scheme). This is the color that the scheme transitions to.
primitiveName string The primitive name.


Property Type Description
interpolationSpace enumeration ColorSpaceType The color space in which the polar interpolation occurs. HSV, HLS, and LAB are the only supported color space types.
polarDirection enumeration PolarDirection The direction of the polar progression for the path from the beginning hue to the ending hue.

Enumeration: PolarDirection

Specifies the direction of the polar progression for the path from the beginning hue to the ending hue.

Property Value Description
Auto 0 The shortest path, clockwise or counter clockwise.
Clockwise 1 The spectral order from red through orange, yellow, green, and blue to violet.
Counterclockwise 2 The reverse spectral order from violet, through blue, green, yellow, and orange to red.


Represents a color in the RGB color model. A color in the RGB (red, green, blue) color model. RGB is an additive, or light-emissive model based on red, green, and blue values.


Property Type Description
colorSpace ColorSpace The color spaced used defined by an ICC color profile.
values [double] The values for the color and alpha channels as defined by the color model. Alpha is the last value in the array for all colors.


Property Type Description


Represents a random HSV color ramp scheme. A color ramp scheme where the colors are randomly selected within the set range of hue, saturation, and value values.


Property Type Description
colorSpace ColorSpace The color spaced used defined by an ICC color profile.


Property Type Description
minH float The hue from which the color ramp (also known as a color scheme) will start. Values can range from 0-360.
maxH float The hue at which the color ramp (also known as a color scheme) will end. Values can range from 0-360.
minS float The minimum saturation possible for the colors within the color ramp (also known as a color scheme). Values can range between 0-100.
maxS float The maximum saturation possible for the colors within the color ramp (also known as a color scheme). Values can range between 0-100.
minV float The minimum value possible for the colors within the ramp (also known as a scheme). Values can range between 0-100.
maxV float The maximum value possible for the colors within the color ramp (also known as a color scheme). Values can range between 0-100.
minAlpha float The minimum alpha or transparency for all of the colors. Can be a value between 0-100, where 0 is fully transparent.
maxAlpha float The maximum alpha or transparency for all of the colors. Can be a value between 0-100, where 0 is fully transparent.
seed long The starting point for the random generation of the colors.


Represents a spot color. A color defined by a specific ink standard and typically used in offset printing where the color corresponds to a pure or premixed ink. When a spot color is displayed on the screen the alternative color is used.


Property Type Description
colorSpace ColorSpace The color spaced used defined by an ICC color profile.
values [double] The values for the color and alpha channels as defined by the color model. Alpha is the last value in the array for all colors.


Property Type Description
name string The spot color name.


Represents a color space for spot colors. A color space defined for spot colors including alternate and book colors.


Property Type Description


Property Type Description
description string A description of the ink. This can provide more information than the name.
name string The defined ink name for the spot color. Usually this is a well-known color standard name.
alternativeColor Color The standard (non-spot) color that is used to display the color on-screen.
bookColor Color The if present, the color used during output.
bookID string The ID of the book the color name belongs to.
isReferencedColor boolean A value indicating whether or not the color is a referenced color. When this property is true, the alternative color will be looked up from the color book based on the BookID and Name.


Represents a color in the XYZ color model. A color in the XYZ color space which is based on direct measurements of the human eye.


Property Type Description
colorSpace ColorSpace The color spaced used defined by an ICC color profile.
values [double] The values for the color and alpha channels as defined by the color model. Alpha is the last value in the array for all colors.


Property Type Description