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refactoring codebase:
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updated core header #includes
updated multiple code header #include
removed multiple unused methods and items
changed item factory Get method names to reflect the aquiring of a reference
changed multiple other method names to better reflect what they aquired.
moved system methods from SystemGPoint to MapData and removed SystemGPoint
moved map methods from SystemDB to MapDB
moved char methods from multiple DB to CharDB
moved corp methods from multiple DB to CorpDB
reworked multiple data types using 'class' to use 'struct' (some remain)
changed most incorrect declarations of 'class' to 'struct' (some remain)

Signed-off-by: Allan <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
zhyrohaad committed Nov 3, 2021
1 parent 2792a8f commit 6f6cf4b
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Showing 163 changed files with 2,222 additions and 2,058 deletions.
391 changes: 391 additions & 0 deletions doc/EvEmu_Class_Descriptions.txt
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@@ -0,0 +1,391 @@
Alasiya EvE Source Code Class definitions and descriptions

** NOTE: this does NOT include James' alliance and sov updates **

** this data is still incomplete, but better 27 June 20 **

** NOTE: i use the term "system" rather ambiguously here (and often).
lowercase "system" is used to mean a server system in which code is run. (i.e. the bookmark system)
solSystem means a solar system

* names for systems used by ccp
item instance manager
processes item property changes
blurry line between DogmaIM and DogmaLM

item location manager
processes item location changes
blurry line between DogmaIM and DogmaLM

item attribute manager
processes item attribute changes

server-side object movement manager

client-side object movement manager

item renderer and misc python code snippets (probably more)
- this has never been seen outside CCP (in-house tool)

large scale chat
this system manages all chat communications and client notifications

client-side information manager

client-side solar system object
each solar system has it's own ballpark in client
this ballpark is destroyed (in client) when docking or jumping

space objects in a solar system

a container within a solar system for all non-static and global SE objects and have a set radius of 250km
also called a 'grid', these item containers hold data for all objects within its' sphere of influence (soi)
all non-global objects on a players screen are contained in the players current bubble
all non-static objects must be in a bubble, and can only be in one bubble at a time
suns, planets, moons, and stations are static objects and displayed separately (except stations, are never in a bubble)
some dynamic objects are considered global and displayed separately (i.e. cyno fields, system blockade units, customs offices)

hud display manager for balls

* non-class objects used by client/server systems *
a request from the client to the server
most expect a result from the server, but some are for information only

data sent from server to client as a result of a call

bound object
this is a special object used to make direct system calls to the server
they do not go thru the usual client processing/decoding

data sent from server to client as a result of other client calls or data processing

data sent from server to client to describe an incorrect call or an error in processing
this data is usually sent as a notification

this is an error sent on a specific 'channel' to client which calls client-side processing for the error
a throw will break out of the clients current processing loop
a throw can only be done during specific client calls
a throw cannot be sent during server processing of notifications

a 'wire object' is a set of data sent over the network.
- these can be either calls or returns, but are always python

a 'packet' is the part of a decoded wire object from the client for a specific server system
- this does not include packets during login (which have different layouts)
- a packet has a type, source, destination, method, and payload
- type is call or return
- destination is server system, client id, character id, corporation id, or a myriad of other things
- method is the actual call the client wants (i.e. launch drone, activate mining laser, dock to station)
- payload is data pertaining to call (i.e. what drone ID, what laser to use and the asteroid ID to target, what station to dock to)

an 'instance' is an implementation of code at runtime in the server for a given system.
the server itself is a single instance.
clients connected to the server are multiple instances of same system (each client has it's own instance)

a 'server object' is an implementation of a class created in the running server.
- every instance of a class is a server object
- a SystemEntity and it's corresponding InventoryItem are separate server objects representing different states of the same game object

a 'game object' is an item used in the game.

i define an 'object' as a game item that can be in space without being contained within another item. all objects are SystemEntitys
- this is not to be confused with 'server object' or 'wire object'

i define an 'item' as a game item that must be in a container. this container can be in another item, or be an object.
items cannot survive in space without a container.
most items have an inventory and can contain other items
some items only contain objects and have no real object themselves (i.e. solarsystems)
everything in game is an item.

a SystemEntity is an object that can survive being in space without a container, i.e. Moon, Ship, Station, CargoContainer
- there have been SE updates that no longer really make much sense, but have yet to be fixed in class descriptions

an InventoryItem represents a game object in the server
- this can be either an object or item or both
- this can be a container for other objects or items (a ship has an inventory, a wreck contains items, etc)

items and objects are completely separate resources, but all objects are created for and from their respective item
as an example, a ship item is derived from InventoryItem and processes all inventory-type calls.
a ship object is the dynamic system entity found in space, created from it's relevant ship item.
most objects have references to their items (thru base SE class) but not vice-versa

all class pointers are derived from base class to allow generic dereferencing without knowing the specific derived class
all class pointer lifetime is handled in derived classes where applicable

*** Now, on to the class types ***

* the static and singleton classes *
* these classes have only a single instance running in the server and are part of the base system

this is the main program code for the server emulator
it creates the initial static instances for main process systems and updates main loop timer

main loop processor for server
this class is a container for all loaded solSystems, connected Clients, players ingame, and holds counts for loaded DSEs

main control for all SystemBubbles
keeps track of all bubbles (across all solSystems) and used to determine placement for creating new bubbles

this manager is used to decode client calls and route packets to appropriate system for processing
it is also used to create and track bound objects for system processing

class to process item creation and generic call processing
all generic item calls are run thru here to send to appropriate item class for processing

class to process ship module creation
after creation, control of the module item is handed over to it's ship's ModuleManager

specific system to process effects
this includes skill, module, ship, attribute, and system effects

interactive console class for running server

handles loading and storage of static game data for entire server into easily-accessed memory objects

server information system for managing and saving trivial game data

lightweight profiling code specifically for timing sections of running EvEmu application
this code is very basic, and very specific.

* server system class objects *
a countdown for a specific function
there are multiple timer instances for a vast array of items and objects

this is a reference-counting class to manage lifetime of a server object

smart pointer class, derived from RefObject, used to maintain references to InventoryItems

class to verify and update client data

poorly understood system to manage cache of calls and returns
intended to reduce server load/processing of returns that rarely change or change on a timed, periodic basis

class to maintain item attributes
attribute data consists of an attribute ID and a value
attribute values can be either float or integer, and can switch between types after creation
all items have their own instance of the AttributeManager class

a number class with data types for both float and integer variables
created specifically for attributes

(there are multiple derived classes from this base class, and multiple classes derived from the derived classes that arent completely defined here)
Base (abbreviated as 'SE')
base class code, consisting of all class tests and common data types used for all SEs
contains various virtual methods that redirect and/or reference other systems for ease of data acquisition

Static (abbreviated as 'SSE')
static, non-mobile, non-destructible celestial objects - no TargetMgr, no DestinyMgr
(Sun, Planet, Moon, Station, Stargate, AsteroidBelt)
this is the SSE object of a station item

this is the SSE object of a stargate item

Item (abbreviated as 'ISE')
non-static, mobile, non-destructible celestial objects - no TargetMgr, has DestinyMgr
(Containers, Wrecks, DeadSpace)
ISE object of a cargo container item
unanchored objects have a timer for deletion from solSystem when empty or after 2h

ISE object of a destroyed ship object

Object (abbreviated as 'OSE')
non-static, non-mobile, destructible celestial objects - has TargetMgr, no DestinyMgr
(POS, Outposts, Asteroids, Deployables)
OSE object of force field for POS tower

Dynamic (abbreviated as 'DSE')
non-static, mobile, destructible celestial objects - has TargetMgr, has DestinyMgr
(Ships, Drones, Missiles)
NPC, Concord, Civilian, Sentry
DSE object for npc ships
DSE object for player ships

main control of solar system
maintains all objects within it's solSystem
each solSystem has its' own Manager instance

bubble objects in a solar system.
maintains data on all objects within it's soi

movement manager class, processing all movement for a given SE
each applicable SE has it's own instance of DestinyMgr

this system is currently a combination of both an object for processing the client's program data and an object for processing player calls and returns
should be split into a "Client" and a "Player" class, but will require major code re-factoring and much thought to properly implement

class to create, load, save, and maintain all game items

system to manage contents of an InventoryItem
each applicable item has it's own Inventory instance

multiple classes to manage specific aspects of solSystems
anomaly creation and destruction
asteroid manager
Civilian (singleton)
non-interactive NPC ships
dungeon spawning
npc spawning
Wormhole (singleton)
universe-wide wormhole management

DogmaLM (Location Manager)
processes all calls for item location manipulation

this is a special NPC that is not derived from any Character or NPC class
they are only found in stations and used to process mission and locator calls

POS_ - Player Owned Structure (with subclasses)
processes all calls and returns of POS systems

the base DSE for POS items (following classes derived from this)
this includes territory claim units, system blockade units, planet orbitals (customs offices), structure upgrades and all POS items

also called Control Tower, or CT, this item is the main control structure of player-owned starbase systems
this is the code for managing and controlling all CT operations

any item to enhance or extend a CTs functions

item used to produce goods at POS system

pos weapon module

pos weapon module

pos weapon module

a subclass of InventoryItem specially for ship modules.
this class processes all module calls and data (activate/deactivate and effects)

class for containing, tracking and processing all modules fit on a ship
has methods for install, remove, damage and destroy ship's modules
each ship has it's own instance of this class

specific code for processing damage
uses generic SE call for base damage processing
uses virtual SE calls for specific damage processing and kill handling

system for managing targets
each applicable SE has it's own TargetMgr instance

system to manage all aspects of bookmarks

data containers that cannot be trivially constructed or destroyed (not POD)

class for management of Planetary Interaction items

a group of methods and functions to get map info.
this is mostly used for getting random points in system, system jumps, and misc mission destination info

* server python classes *
these are the classes for python data
some are still not completely understood and are incomplete
found in /eve-common/python/

base class for wire objects
derived from RefPtr to manage lifetime

* server python to c++ implementation classes *
** all these generators process the /eve-common/packets/*.xmlp files and convert into c++/python encode/decode implementations **
these generators have their own description file, along with a 'users manual' found in EvEmu_Crucible/doc/code_and_design_notes/eve_python_xmlp_tags
found in eve-xmlpktgen/


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