I am interested in gene regulation, lncRNAs, autoimmune disease, evolution and bioinformatics. Founding member of VieRnes de Bioinformatica en el LIIGH (bioinformatics fridays at @LIIGH-UNAM), R-Ladies Morelia and LupusRGMX.
🌟 Github: ViernesBioinfo2024 - parte 2, ViernesBioinfo2024 - parte 1 and ViernesBioinfo2023.
- 🔭 I’m currently working on transcriptomic and genomic data analysis in immune diseases and healthy individuals.
- 💬 Ask me about bioinformatics education
- 📫 How to reach me: [email protected]
- 😄 Pronouns: She/her
- Postdoctoral Fellowship | @LIIGH-UNAM | Dr. @Alejandra Medina-Rivera | February 2023 - Present
- PhD in Plant Biotechnology | @Cinvestav UGA-Langebio, Mexico | Dr. @Selene Fernandez-Valverde | August 2018 - January 2023

- Webpage Plants&Python | Github Plants&Python | Dr. Daniel H. Chitwood, Dr. Robert VanBuren and Alejandra Rougon-Cardoso
- Transcriptome-guided annotation and functional classification of long non-coding RNAs in Arabidopsis thaliana | Github Transcriptome-guided_lncRNA_annotation | Dr. @Selene Fernandez-Valverde
- Workshop CDSB 2023: Creando paquetes de R/Bioconductor para análisis transcriptómicos de célula única | Github CDSB 2023
- Workshop CDSB 2024: Desarrollo de paqueterías de R/Bioconductor | Github CDSB 2024
- Rladies-Morelia | Github Rladies-Morelia
- Single Cell Genomic Approaches to Study the Immune System - Latin America & the Caribbean | Github WCSCourses | More information

Cursos hechos con amor 💜