released this
06 Nov 20:57
284 commits
to refs/heads/main
since this release
✨ New Features
- [FEAT] Overwrite mode for write parquet/csv @colin-ho (#3108)
- [FEAT] Support null equal safe join in SQL @advancedxy (#3166)
- [FEAT] Streaming Catalog Writes @colin-ho (#3160)
- [FEAT] Infer Azure storage account from uri @kevinzwang (#3165)
- [FEAT] Support null safe equal in joins @advancedxy (#3161)
- [FEAT] Support hive partitioned reads @desmondcheongzx (#3029)
- [FEAT] Add better detection of Ray Job environment @jaychia (#3148)
- [FEAT] Streaming physical writes for native executor @colin-ho (#2992)
- [FEAT]: Throw error for invalid ** usage outside folder segments (e.g. /tmp/**.csv) @conradsoon (#3100)
- [FEAT]: sql concat and stddev @universalmind303 (#3153)
- [FEAT]: Sql common table expressions (CTE's) @universalmind303 (#3137)
- [FEAT] enable decimal between @samster25 (#3154)
- [FEAT] dec128 math @samster25 (#3143)
- [FEAT] Support SQL
@austin362667 (#3146) - [FEAT] Swordfish Stateful UDF support @kevinzwang (#3127)
- [FEAT]: sql cross join @universalmind303 (#3110)
- [FEAT] Add floor division @ConeyLiu (#3064)
- [FEAT] Compute pool for native executor @colin-ho (#2986)
🚀 Performance Improvements
- [PERF] Add a parallel local CSV reader @desmondcheongzx (#3055)
👾 Bug Fixes
- [BUG]: Sql groupby and orderby with aliases and projections @universalmind303 (#3177)
- [BUG] Separate PartitionTask done from results @jaychia (#3155)
- [BUG]: between panic on unsupported types @universalmind303 (#3150)
- [BUG] fix type widening for rem @samster25 (#3131)
📖 Documentation
- Temporal docs added to expressions.rst @sunaysanghani (#2487)
- [DOCS] Update banner on README.rst @ccmao1130 (#3130)
- [DOCS] Update Daft logo @ccmao1130 (#3129)
🧰 Maintenance
- [CHORE] Add tests for decimal casting @desmondcheongzx (#3179)
- [CHORE] Refactor RayRunner so that we can add tracing @jaychia (#3163)
- [CHORE] Swordfish specific test fixtures @colin-ho (#3164)
- [CHORE]: tpc-ds datagen @universalmind303 (#3103)
- [CHORE] Cancel tasks spawned on compute runtime @colin-ho (#3128)
- [CHORE] Enable debug in test profile @advancedxy (#3135)
- [FEATURE] add min_hash alternate hashers @andrewgazelka (#3052)
- [CHORE] (Revert:) Add rust cache to s3 build artifacts action @jaychia (#3147)
- [CHORE] Add rust cache to s3 build artifacts action @jaychia (#3144)
- [CHORE] Refactor shuffles to use a unified ShuffleExchange PhysicalPlan variant @jaychia (#3083)
⬆️ Dependencies
4 changes
- Bump orjson from 3.9.5 to 3.10.11 @dependabot (#3176)
- Bump adlfs from 2023.10.0 to 2024.7.0 @dependabot (#2547)
- Bump image from 0.24.9 to 0.25.4 @dependabot (#3088)
- Bump slackapi/slack-github-action from 1.26.0 to 1.27.0 @dependabot (#2776)