"Eyesmap" is a voice-guided map service that notifies users of damaged facilities for the visually impaired.
There are more and more cases of complaining of inconvenience with broken braille blocks. Every year, we see articles about inadequate management of facilities for the disabled.
- guarantee of the rights and welfare of the visually impaired.
- Improving the use of convenience facilities for the visually impaired
- Promotion of citizenship and joint participation

When the user's direction and distance align, they receive a voice prompt informing them of nearby facilities with issues.
The following information is provided: photo, report title, report category, location, distance to the facility, status, and the number of "dangerous" reactions. Users can express their agreement through the "dangerous" button.
Users enter the location of the facility, title, category, status, photo and report details.
After entering the report deletion section, reports can be deleted.
After entering the report deletion section, restored facilities can be reported.
The restoration reporting process will be completed as long as a photo is uploaded.
- Rank districts in Seoul based on the number of remaining reports.
- When clicking on a district button on the map, it will display a ranked list of reports from that district, starting with the one that received the most "dangerous" reactions.
Display a list of users ranked by the number of reports they provided in each month.
Click on the bottom right of the screen. It allows users to edit their own profile.
- InGyu Na
- HyeIn Lee: [email protected]
- MinSeop Kwak
- HyeonJun Park