This is a toy shell developed to learn about operating systems and the C programming language
Flapjack is the name given to the shell while the language it runs is called Varelse
Think of it as the commands are Varelse while the environment Varelse is run in is called Flapjack
- for ansi codes for moving the cursor
- for entering raw mode and handling user input in raw mode
You do not know Varelse
The language itself is designed to look alien
Move contents of register 2 into 1
Load the value "Data" into register 1
Display contents of child process background creation, stdio and registers
Declare a label called "Name"
Jump to label referenced by register 1
Jump to label referenced by register 1 if register 2 is not empty
Change to directory referenced by register 1
Call program referenced by register 1 with args specified in the following registers given
Return value is put into register 0
Perform dir command with arguments specified in registers given
Perform clear command
Perform echo command with arguments specified in registers given
Set stdin to what's in register 1
Set stdin back to its default
Set stdout to what's in register 1
Set stdout back to its default
Toggle stdout write / append mode
Set stderr to what's in register 1
Set stderr back to its default
Toggle stderr write / append mode
Toggle background creation for child processes
Display the current environment
Set environment variable specified in register 1 to the contents of register 2
Put the contents of the environment variable specified in register 1 into register 2
Exit the terminal
Push registers onto stack
Pop values of stack into registers