Updated the repository for AS3 v3.44.0. This release contains the following changes. See the Document revision history for more information and links.
- Added support for referencing a virtual server in a GSLB pool with a use pointer
- Added support for Prefer Client Subnet for GSLB Domains, GitHub Issue 688
- Added a troubleshooting entry when iRules result in 422 errors
Issues Resolved:
- Service with partial mask and custom route domain fails to POST twice
- Address_Discovery static node type does not work, GitHub Issue 660
- Expose TLS_Server option to enable/disable “default profile for SNI”, GitHub Issue 274
- Improve error handling in SettingsHandler
- Invalid SNAT_Translation error when multiple Tenants with SNAT_Pools are declared
- HTTP_Acceleration_Profile does not handle backslashes in uriExcludeList, uriIncludeList, uriIncludeOverrideList, and uriPinnedList properties, GitHub Issue 691