The project is setup as a maven multi-module project, to ease the development of independent implementations for each API.
Functionality required by most of the implementations is contained in the common-module. Beside that, the project relies on the ngsi-ld-java-mapping library, to provide an annotation based mapping between NGSI-LD object and Java-Pojos to support the usage of a decoupling layer.
The api-implementations are inside modules, producing jar-files and oci-containers according to the definitions in
the parent-pom. Since some models are used in multiple apis, there are modules for shared-models
. They
should only include models that are used by other modules, too.
The project also contains 3 non-module folders:
- api - contains the OpenApi-Specifications of the NGSI-LD API used by the project. It does not contain the TMForum-API specs, since they are downloaded on built-time.
- k3s - contains kubernetes manifests to be used in the integration-test environments or for setting up a dev-environment. Currently includes:
- conformance-test - contains a dockerfile to be used for running the TMForum-Conformance Tests inside the K3S setup. Also contains a kubernetes manifest for running the api-implementations.
The current implementation supports multiple layers of testing:
- Unit-Tests, using JUnit5 and Mockito to test on a function-level
- Unit-Tests, using JUnit5,Micronaut-Test and Mockito to test on component level(e.g. running parts of the application, while mocking all external dependencies)
- Integration-Tests, using JUnit5,Micronaut-Test and k3s to test the application with its real external dependencies running
- Conformance-Test, using the CTK-Implementations provided by TMForum and k3s to test conformance of the implementations
In order to reduce the overhead of test implementation, the OpenAPI-Generator provides the following test-helpers:
- Test-Interface: an interface, defining a test for all endpoint-response combinations possible from the OpenAPI-spec - see OrganizationApiIT as an example
- Test-Examples: for each model generated(f.e.
), a test example builder is generated, that provides pre-filled(from the spec-examples and default values) test-objects - see OrganizationApiIT as an example
The unit-tests are integrated into
the maven-lifecycle's test-phase
via the surfire-plugin. They can be executed
via mvn test
. Since they don't have any external dependencies, they also can be run via the IDEs(only tested
with IntelliJ) integrated test runners. All tests with suffix *Test
will be
The integration-tests are integrated into
the maven-lifecycle's integration-test phase
via the failsafe-plugin. Since the tests require a running
broker at localhost:1026
, the k3s-plugin is integrated in
the pre-integration-test
and post-intgeration-test
phases to spin-up a k3s-cluster inside docker and deploy
the components. The tests can be executed via: mvn integration-test
. After running the tests, the k3s-cluster will
be automatically destroyed. All tests with suffix *IT
will be executed.
In order to run the tests from the IDE, you have to setup an environment before that. This can be achieved via
the dev
With mvn install -Pdev
, a k3s-cluster will be setup but not destroyed after running the tests. In order to connect
to the cluster, install the kubectl-client and
run export KUBECONFIG=/tmp/k3s-maven-plugin/mount/kubeconfig.yaml && kubectl get all --all-namespaces
. To clean up
the environment, use mvn clean k3s:rm -Pdev
TMForum does provide conformance-test tooling for the API-implementations: Open API Conformance The tests are integrated into the maven lifecycle with the "conformance-test" profile. To execute them, run "mvn clean install -Pconformance-test --projects common,mapping,<THE_MODULE> -DskipTests -DskipITs". The tests are mounted into a docker container and executed using them, after the API-implementation and Orion-LD are started. Currently, they need to run individually for each API-Module, since the tests expect them under the same port on localhost. To integrate a new module into the tests:
- set find the test url of the module(at the TMForum OpenAPI table in the column "CTK")
- insert it to the property <module.ctk.url> in your module
- check the structure of the zip-file, containing the test and set the following properties accordingly(example from the parties-api)
- add the module to the matrix input of the conformance-test workflow
To get a dev-environment, the k3s-plugin can be
used: mvn install -Pdev
After running this, the context broker is available at http://localhost:1026
See the logs via:
export KUBECONFIG=/tmp/k3s-maven-plugin/mount/kubeconfig.yaml && kubectl get all --all-namespaces
kubectl logs <BROKER_POD>