Welcome to the Python Fundamentals Course! This comprehensive course is designed to introduce you to the basics of Python programming and equip you with the skills to undertake real-world tasks. Below is an outline of the course content, structured in two parts, along with hands-on student activities and example projects.
Hello World
- Introduction to Python and setting up the development environment.
- hello-world.py
Variables and Data Types
- Understanding different data types and how to use variables.
- variables-datatypes.py
Basic Operations
- Performing arithmetic and logical operations in Python.
- basicOP-real-world-task.py
Control Flow
- Learning about conditional statements and loops for decision making.
- controlflow-decisionmaking.py
- Creating reusable code blocks with functions.
- functions-reusablecode.py
Student Activities
- Hands-on activities for students to practice.
- student_activity
Error Handling
- Managing exceptions and errors to build robust applications.
- Error-Handling-10 mins.py
File Handling
- Reading from and writing to files.
- FileHandling(10 mins).py
Classes and Objects
- Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming in Python.
- Introduction-to-Classes-and-Objects.py
Final Project
- Applying learned skills to complete a comprehensive project.
- Final-Project(10 mins).py
Advanced Loops
- Deep dive into loops for more complex iterations.
- Advanced-Loops(10 mins).py
Wrap Up and Q&A
- Recap of the course and a session to clear any doubts.
- Wrap-up-and-Q&A(5 mins).py
Student Activities
- Further exercises and challenges for students.
- student_activity
To get started with the course, clone this repository and navigate to each folder to access the lesson scripts. Ensure Python is installed on your machine and set up your development environment to run Python scripts.
Students are encouraged to contribute to the course by suggesting improvements or submitting bug fixes. Please create a pull request or issue in the repository for any contributions.
- Thank you for joining the Python Fundamentals Course, and happy coding!