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It is the mechanism in Java by which one class is allowed to inherit the features(fields and methods) of another class.

Why Do Ee Use This?

It makes our code more flexible and reusable. By defining a base class, we can define common properties and methods that can be used in any class that inherits from it.

How does this work:

Lets say we have class A:

class A { int a; float b;

public A() {}

public void MethodA() {}
public void MethodB() {}


Then we create a clss B that inherits from class A:

class B : A { double c;

public B() {}

public void MethodC() {}


When you create an instance of class B, the instance will have access to all methods and properties from both classes. For example:

B instanceOfB = new B();

// b will have the following methods InstanceOfB.MethodA(); InstanceOfB.MethodB(); InstanceOfB.MethodC();


A singleton is a pattern that ensures that only one instance of a given class exists at a time. For the command base programming, all subsystems are treated as singletons. If there are interests in understanding singleton please see our old lessons here:


If a method get the key word @override put above it, then it is allow to be changed when inherited by another class.

For example:

class A { int a; float b;

public A() {}

public void MethodA() {}
public void MethodB() {}


Then we create a clss B that inherits from class A:

class B : A { double c;

public B() {}

public void MethodC() {}

public void MethodA() {}


Then class B will change what MethodA does.


Lambdas are ways to make temporary methods without defining them. To define a lambda you do the following:

type () ->

example () -> true

  • This defines a method that returns true.


This project is a gutted example project for the Romi. A Romi is a small robot designed by first that allows the use of the WPILIB to control. We will use this project to teach the concepts of the command base design.

Understand the code layout

Look under src/java, you will find the following:

  • commands -- folder where your commands file will live -subsystems -- This folder is used to store any subsystems you may need
  • -- Just like in the java applications used in previous lessons, this is where teh main loop is. (You should never touch this file!!!)
  • -- Defines the varous methods used by the command base desine to run varous states of a match. (This file should rarely be touch, but may need to for certain functionality.) Some methods defined here: -- teleop -- autonomous -- periodic functions
  • RobotContainer -- This is where most of our work will go for both this project and our main robot code.


Commands extend CommandBase which provides the following functions to implement:

  • initialize() -- This method gets called only once when the command is added to schedular.
  • execute() -- This method happens every 20 ms the command is alive
  • end() -- This method happend after the isFinished returns true and only once.
  • isFinished() -- method used to tell when the command is finished

Each of these methods should be setup to be overrided.

When creating a command, all constructors of command should require a subsystem. To do this the addRequirements method must be added to constructor. The subsystem that the class will use should be added the addRequirements call.

Command Base Reference

For reference to command structure please refer to this:

Create drive subsystem

  • Create a new java file in subsystems call
  • Change public class Drivetrain to public Class Drivetrain extends SubsystemBase -- May need to do a quick fix to import the right definition for SubsystemBase
  • add at the top of your file under package line: -- import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.Spark; -- import edu.Encoder; -- import frc.robot.sensors.RomiGyro;
  • Add two properties to class for each motor like: -- private final Spark m_leftMotor = new Spark(0); -- private final Spark m_rightMotor = new Spark(1);
  • Add two properties to class for each encoder like: -- private final Encoder m_leftEncoder = new SparkeNCODER(4, 5); -- private final Encoder m_leftEncoder = new SparkeNCODER(6, 7);
  • Create private final DifferentialDrive m_diffDrive = new DifferentialDrive(m_leftMotor, m_rightMotor); -- You may need to do a quick fix to import correct class definition
  • Create private final RomiGyro m_gyro = new RomiGyro();
  • create private final BuiltInAcceleraometer m_acceleraometer = new BuiltInAccelerometer();
  • create constructor for and do the following: -- Make right motor inverted -- Set Encoder Distance Per Pulse -- Counts Per Revolutions = 1440.0 -- Wheel Diameter In Inch = 2.75591 -- Distance per rotation = (PI * WheelDiameter)/CountsPerRev -- Reset encoders
  • create a method -- arcadeDrive --- Args: X-AxisSpeed, Y-AxisSpeed --- Call arcadeDrive from DifferentialDrive attributes.

Create Command

  • create command folder next to subsystem folder
  • create in comand folder
  • change public class ArcadeDrive to public class ArcadeDrive extends CommandBase
  • add the following parameters: -- private final Drivetrain m_drivetrain; -- private final Supplier m_xaxisSpeedSupplier; -- private final Supplier m_zaxisRotateSupplier;
  • create a constructor and do the following inside it: -- add the following args: --- Drivetran drivetrain, --- Supplier xaxisSpeedSupplier --- Supplier zaxisRotateSuppplier
  • Create each method needed by a command: -- initialize (this returns nothing, has no ars) -- execute (this returns nothing, has no args) --- execute should call m_drivetrain.arcadeDrive(x_xaxisSpeedSupplier.get(), z_zaxisSpeedSupplier.get()); -- end (this returns nothing, has one arg: boolean interrupted) -- isFinished (returns boolean, has one args, should return false)

Add Subsystem and Command to RobotContainer

  • create the following attributes to RobotContainer class -- private final Drivetrain m_drivetrain = new Drivetrain();drivetrain, () -> -m_controller.getRawAxis(1)
  • in configureButtonbindings add the following: -- m_drivetrain.setDefaultCommand(new ArcadeDrive(m_controller.getRawAxis(1), () -> m_controller.getRawAxis(2)));


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