The device uses LoRaWAN to uplink temperature, humidity and precipitation sensor data through calculation. Data will be sent every 6 minutes, if there is rain, the sending time will be 1 minute Support sensors:
- USB to UART Converter
- RainGauge board
- Arduino IDE (version v1.8.13 or above is recommended)
- RUI3 lastest firmware for RAK3172: RAK3172-E_latest_final.hex
- (STM32CubeProgammer)[]
- Adafruit_SHTC3.h
On the RainGauge board
- Hold the B_RAK (boot) button and press R_RAK (reset) button and release the B_RAK (boot) button to enter bootmode.
- Select UART, Baudrate 115200 and press Connect.
- Open RAK3172-E_latest_final.hex
- Select the address as in following image if needed
- Press Download to upload firmwave
- After download success, press R_RAK (reset) button to exit the bootmode
- Add this JSON in Additional Boards Manager URLs (Show me how?):
- Go to Tool -> Board -> Boards Manager, search & install RAKwireless RUI STM32 Boards
- Open
sketch, seletc WisDou RAK3172-T Board from Tool menu - Plug in your board and upload
- Select Tool -> Board -> RAKwireless RUI STM32 Modules -> WisDuo RAK3172 Evaluation Board
- Depends on your country region and how you set up your gateway. Please create the correct application with it to be able to receive data
- In Danang, Vietnam we use the AS923_2 band and
- You need to create application for RainGauge Board
- Select end device -> Register end device to create your device
- After creating the device, now you just need to copy Device address, NwkSKey, AppSKey and paste it into your code.
- The data sent will be in the default format
- You can change the format of the data to be able to observe changes
The average energy consumption when the device is operating (sending data to the server) is 8.36mA for ~15s.
When the device is inactive, it will be in sleep mode. Power consumption is 6.81 uA