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The "easy_date_timeline" package is a customizable Flutter widget that displays a timeline of dates in a horizontal timeline.


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EasyDateTimeLinePicker is a customizable date and time picker widget for Flutter applications. It provides a horizontal timeline interface for selecting dates, with various customization options for appearance and behavior.

Easy Date Timeline Picker


Getting Started

Add the easy_date_timeline package to pubspec.yaml:

flutter pub add easy_date_timeline

Import the package to use it:

import 'package:easy_date_timeline/easy_date_timeline.dart';

Basic Usage

Use the EasyDateTimeLinePicker widget to display the date and time picker:

  focusedDate: _selectedDate,
  firstDate: DateTime(2024, 3, 18),
  lastDate: DateTime(2030, 3, 18),
  onDateChange: (date) {
    // Handle the selected date.


Default Constructor

The default constructor provides a pre-defined layout with three day parts (top, middle, and bottom), which can be reordered or customized.

  firstDate: DateTime(2025, 1, 1),
  lastDate: DateTime(2030, 3, 18),
  focusedDate: DateTime(2025, 6, 15),
  onDateChange: (date) {
    // Handle the selected date.

Custom Item Builder

The itemBuilder constructor allows you to fully customize each day item in the picker.

  firstDate: DateTime(2025, 1, 1),
  lastDate: DateTime(2030, 3, 18),
  focusedDate: _selectedDate,
  itemExtent: 64.0,
  itemBuilder: (context, date, isSelected, isDisabled, isToday, onTap) {
    return InkResponse(
      onTap: onTap,
      child: CircleAvatar(
        backgroundColor: isSelected ? : null,
        child: Text(,
  onDateChange: (date) {
    setState(() {
      _selectedDate = date;


Property Type Description
controller EasyDatePickerController? Controller for the date picker. Can be used to programmatically control the picker.
firstDate DateTime The earliest date the user is permitted to pick.
lastDate DateTime The latest date the user is permitted to pick.
focusedDate DateTime? The date to focus on when the picker is first displayed.
currentDate DateTime The current date. Defaults to today's date if not provided.
itemExtent double The width of each day item in the picker.
daySeparatorPadding double The padding between day separators.
_itemBuilder ItemBuilderPickerCallBack? Custom builder for day items. Only used when created with EasyDateTimeLinePicker.itemBuilder.
headerBuilder EasyPickerHeaderBuilderCallBack? Custom builder for the header of the picker.
onDateChange OnDateChangeCallBack? Callback that is called when the selected date changes.
selectionMode SelectionMode? Determines how the selected date is positioned in the picker.
locale Locale? The locale to use for formatting dates, default locale is en_US.
physics ScrollPhysics? The scroll physics to use for the picker.
disableStrategy DisableStrategy Strategy for disabling certain dates in the picker.
dayElementsOrder List<DayElement> The order of day elements to display. Only used when created with the default constructor.
ignoreUserInteractionOnAnimating bool? Whether to ignore user interaction while the picker is animating, default is true.
timelineOptions TimelineOptions? Additional options for customizing the timeline appearance.
headerType HeaderType Defines the behavior and display of the header in the date timeline picker.
monthYearPickerOptions MonthYearPickerOptions Defines the options for the MonthYearPicker widget.


Selection Modes

The selectionMode property determines how the selected date is positioned in the picker.

  // ... other properties
  selectionMode: SelectionMode.autoCenter(),

The available selection modes are:

  • SelectionMode.autoCenter(): Automatically centers the selected date in the picker.

  • SelectionMode.alwaysFirst(): Always displays the selected date as the first item in the picker.

  • SelectionMode.none(): The timeline does not animate the selection.


The locale property allows you to specify the locale to use for formatting dates in the picker.

  // ... other properties
  locale: Locale('ar'), // Arabic locale

Disable Strategy

The disableStrategy property allows you to define a strategy for disabling certain dates in the picker.

  // ... other properties
  disableStrategy: DisableStrategy.beforeToday(),

The available disable strategies are:

  1. DisableStrategy.after(dateTime): Disable dates after the specified date.
  2. DisableStrategy.afterToday(): Disable dates after today.
  3. DisableStrategy.before(dateTime): Disable dates before the specified date.
  4. DisableStrategy.beforeToday(): Disable dates before today.
  5. DisableStrategy.all(): Disable all dates.
  6. DisableStrategy.none(): Disable no dates.
  7. DisableStrategy.list(List<DateTime>): Disable specific dates.
  8. DisableStrategy.inRange(dateTimeRange): Disable dates between two dates.
  9. DisableStrategy.ranges(ranges): Disable dates in a list of ranges.
  10. DisableStrategy.compose([DisableStrategy, DisableStrategy]): Disable dates using multiple strategies.

Note that:

You can make your own custom DisableStrategy by extending the DisableStrategy class and implementing the isDisabled method.

class CustomDisableStrategy extends DisableStrategy {
  bool isDisabled(DateTime date) {
    // Your custom logic here
    return false;

Day Elements Customization

The dayElementsOrder property allows you to customize the order of day elements in the picker.

  // ... other properties
  dayElementsOrder: const [, DayElement.middle()],

The available day parts are:

  • The top part of the day item.
  • DayElement.middle(): The middle part of the day item.
  • DayElement.bottom(): The bottom part of the day item.

Note that: You can change the format of the day part by passing the format to the DayParts constructor.'EEE') // Displays the day name abbreviation.

Header Options

The headerOptions property allows you to customize the header of the picker.

  // ... other properties
  headerOptions: HeaderOptions(
    headerType: HeaderType.picker, // default

The available header types are:

  • HeaderType.picker: A clickable header that opens a month/year picker.
  • HeaderType.viewOnly: A non-interactive header that just displays the date.
  • HeaderType.none: No header is displayed.

You can also provide a custom header builder using the headerBuilder property:

  // ... other properties
  headerOptions: HeaderOptions(
    headerBuilder: (context, date, onTap){
      return InkWell(onTap: onTap, child: Text(DateFormat.yMMMM().format(date)));

Note that: If you provide a custom header builder, the headerType property will be ignored.

Timeline Options

The timelineOptions property allows you to customize the timeline of the picker.

  // ... other properties
  timelineOptions: TimelineOptions(
    height: 200, // the height of the timeline

MonthYearPicker Options

The monthYearPickerOptions property allows you to customize the monthYearPicker dialog.

  // ... other properties
  monthYearPickerOptions: MonthYearPickerOptions(
    initialCalendarMode: EasyDatePickerMode.month, // default
    cancelText: 'Cancel',
    confirmText: 'Confirm',
    // ... other properties


The controller property allows you to programmatically control the picker.

EasyDatePickerController controller = EasyDatePickerController();

  // ... other properties
  controller: controller,

// Don't forget to dispose the controller when it's no longer needed.
void dispose() {
  • controller methods:
    • controller.jumpToDate(): Jumps to a specific date.
    • controller.animateToDate(): Animates to a specific date.
    • controller.jumpToFocusDate(): Jumps to the focused date.
    • controller.animateToFocusDate(): Animates to the focused date.
    • controller.jumpToCurrentDate(): Jumps to the current date.
    • controller.animateToCurrentDate(): Animates to the current date.


The EasyDateTimeLinePicker widget supports theming to customize the appearance of the picker.

Change primary color

The primary color of the picker can be changed by wrapping the widget with a Theme widget and setting the primaryColor property.

  data: Theme.of(context).copyWith(
    colorScheme: ColorScheme.fromSeed(seedColor: Colors.teal),
  child: EasyDateTimeLinePicker(
    // ... other properties

Change day backgroundColor

First way Using copyWith

The background color of the day items can be customized using the EasyTheme widget. You can provide different colors for different widget states (selected, disabled, normal) using WidgetStateProperty:

  data: EasyTheme.of(context).copyWith(
    dayBackgroundColor: WidgetStateProperty.resolveWith((states) {
      if (states.contains(WidgetState.selected)) {
        // return the background color of the selected day
        return Colors.teal;
      } else if (states.contains(WidgetState.disabled)) {
        // return the background color of the disabled day
        return Colors.grey.shade100;
      // return the background color of the normal day
      return Colors.white;
  child: EasyDateTimeLinePicker(
    // ... other properties

For more information about WidgetStateProperty and how to use it effectively, see:

Note that: You can change the background color of day in a different way by using the copyWithState method.

Second way Using copyWithState

 data: EasyTheme.of(context).copyWithState(
    selectedDayTheme: const DayThemeData(
      backgroundColor: Colors.teal,
    unselectedDayTheme: const DayThemeData(
      backgroundColor: Colors.white,
    disabledDayTheme: DayThemeData(
      backgroundColor: Colors.grey.shade100,
  child: EasyDateTimeLinePicker(
    // ... other properties

Note that: The dayBackgroundColor does not apply to the current day. to change the current day background color, use the currentDayBackgroundColor property. in the example below:

Change current day backgroundColor

  • First way Using copyWith
  data: EasyTheme.of(context).copyWith(
    currentDayBackgroundColor: WidgetStateProperty.resolveWith((states) {
      if (states.contains(WidgetState.selected)) {
        // return the background color of the selected current day
        return Colors.teal;
      } else if (states.contains(WidgetState.disabled)) {
        // return the background color of the disabled day
        return Colors.grey.shade100;
      // return the background color of the normal current day
      return Colors.white;
  child: EasyDateTimeLinePicker(
    // ... other properties
  • Second way Using copyWithState
  data: EasyTheme.of(context).copyWithState(
    selectedCurrentDayTheme: const DayThemeData(
      backgroundColor: Colors.teal,
    unselectedCurrentDayTheme: const DayThemeData(
      backgroundColor: Colors.white,
    disabledCurrentDayTheme: DayThemeData(
      backgroundColor: Colors.grey.shade100,
  child: EasyDateTimeLinePicker(
    // ... other properties

Change border color

  • First way Using copyWith The border color of the picker can be changed by wrapping the widget with a Theme widget and setting the dividerColor property.
  data: EasyTheme.of(context).copyWith(
    dayBorder: WidgetStatePropertyAll(
      BorderSide(color: Colors.grey.shade100),
  child: EasyDateTimeLinePicker(
    // ... other properties
  • Second way Using copyWithState
  data: EasyTheme.of(context).copyWithState(
     selectedCurrentDayTheme: DayThemeData(
       border: BorderSide(color: Colors.grey.shade100),
     unselectedCurrentDayTheme: DayThemeData(
       border: BorderSide(color: Colors.grey.shade100),
     disabledCurrentDayTheme: DayThemeData(
       border: BorderSide(color: Colors.grey.shade100),
  child: EasyDateTimeLinePicker(
    // ... other properties

How to use Theme with EasyTheme

In case you want to use Theme with EasyTheme, here's an example:

  data: Theme.of(context).copyWith(
    colorScheme: ColorScheme.fromSeed(seedColor: Colors.teal),
  child: Builder( // Don't forget to wrap the EasyTheme with Builder
    builder: (context) => EasyTheme(
      data: EasyTheme.of(context).copyWithState(
        // ... other properties
      child: EasyDateTimeLinePicker(
        // ... other properties

EasyThemeData class

The EasyThemeData class contains many properties to customize the appearance of the date picker. Here's a comprehensive list:

Property Type Description
dayBackgroundColor WidgetStateProperty<Color?> Background color for regular days
currentDayBackgroundColor WidgetStateProperty<Color?> Background color for the current day
monthBackgroundColor WidgetStateProperty<Color?> Background color for month items
currentMonthBackgroundColor WidgetStateProperty<Color?> Background color for current month
yearBackgroundColor WidgetStateProperty<Color?> Background color for year items
currentYearBackgroundColor WidgetStateProperty<Color?> Background color for current year
dayForegroundColor WidgetStateProperty<Color?> Text color for regular days
currentDayForegroundColor WidgetStateProperty<Color?> Text color for current day
monthForegroundColor WidgetStateProperty<Color?> Text color for months
currentMonthForegroundColor WidgetStateProperty<Color?> Text color for current month
yearForegroundColor WidgetStateProperty<Color?> Text color for years
currentYearForegroundColor WidgetStateProperty<Color?> Text color for current year
dayShape WidgetStateProperty<OutlinedBorder?> Shape of day items
currentDayShape WidgetStateProperty<OutlinedBorder?> Shape of current day item
monthShape WidgetStateProperty<OutlinedBorder?> Shape of month items
currentMonthShape WidgetStateProperty<OutlinedBorder?> Shape of current month item
yearShape WidgetStateProperty<OutlinedBorder?> Shape of year items
currentYearShape WidgetStateProperty<OutlinedBorder?> Shape of current year item
overlayColor WidgetStateProperty<Color?> Color of the overlay effect on interaction
dayBorder WidgetStateProperty<BorderSide?> Border style for regular days
currentDayBorder WidgetStateProperty<BorderSide?> Border style for current day
monthBorder WidgetStateProperty<BorderSide?> Border style for months
currentMonthBorder WidgetStateProperty<BorderSide?> Border style for current month
yearBorder WidgetStateProperty<BorderSide?> Border style for years
currentYearBorder WidgetStateProperty<BorderSide?> Border style for current year
dayMiddleElementStyle WidgetStateProperty<TextStyle?> Text style for middle element of days
currentDayMiddleElementStyle WidgetStateProperty<TextStyle?> Text style for middle element of current day
dayTopElementStyle WidgetStateProperty<TextStyle?> Text style for top element of days
currentDayTopElementStyle WidgetStateProperty<TextStyle?> Text style for top element of current day
dayBottomElementStyle WidgetStateProperty<TextStyle?> Text style for bottom element of days
currentDayBottomElementStyle WidgetStateProperty<TextStyle?> Text style for bottom element of current day
monthStyle WidgetStateProperty<TextStyle?> Text style for months
currentMonthStyle WidgetStateProperty<TextStyle?> Text style for current month
yearStyle WidgetStateProperty<TextStyle?> Text style for years
currentYearStyle WidgetStateProperty<TextStyle?> Text style for current year
locale Locale Localization settings
selectionMode SelectionMode Mode for date selection behavior
ignoreUserInteractionOnAnimating bool Whether to ignore user input during animations
timelineOptions TimelineOptions Configuration options for timeline display

Additional information

  • Contributing: Contributions to the Easy Date Timeline package are welcome! GitHub repository.
  • Filing issues: If you encounter any issues with the Easy Date Timeline package, please file an issue on the GitHub repository.
  • Support: If you have any questions or need help using the Easy Date Timeline package, please feel free to reach out to the package authors on GitHub.

We hope you find the Easy Date Timeline package helpful!



EasyDateTimelinePicker (Legacy)

EasyDateTimeLinePicker is a customizable date and time picker widget for Flutter applications. It provides a horizontal timeline interface for selecting dates, with various customization options for appearance and behavior.

The "easy_date_timeline" package is a customizable Flutter library that displays a timeline of dates in a horizontal view.

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📦 Other Packages

  • easy_infinite_pagination : The Easy Infinite Pagination package provides a simple and customizable way to implement infinite pagination in your Flutter applications.

  • flutter_easy_validator: package designed to simplify the process of validating strings in your applications.

  • easy_radio: EasyRadio is a customizable radio button widget for Flutter that offers consistent animation, easy customization of sizes, shape, inner dot shape.

How To Use EasyInfiniteDateTimeLine

Import the following package in your dart file

import 'package:easy_date_timeline/easy_date_timeline.dart';


Use the EasyInfiniteDateTimeLine Widget

 final EasyInfiniteDateTimelineController _controller =

          controller: _controller,
          firstDate: DateTime(2023),
          focusDate: _focusDate,
          lastDate: DateTime(2023, 12, 31),
          onDateChange: (selectedDate) {
            setState(() {
              _focusDate = selectedDate;

How To Use EasyDateTimeLine

Import the following package in your dart file

import 'package:easy_date_timeline/easy_date_timeline.dart';

EasyDateTimeLine Usage

Use the EasyDateTimeLine Widget

      onDateChange: (selectedDate) {
        //`selectedDate` the new date selected.


  • Dynamic Text Color : The "easy_date_timeline" package automatically adjusts the text color of the active day based on the active color. If the active color is a dark color, the text color will be light, and if the active color is a light color, the text color will be dark. This ensures that the text is always easy to read and contrasts well with the background color.

  • Customizable Item Builder : The "easy_date_timeline" package provides an item builder that allows for full customization of the timeline items. With the item builder, developers can customize the appearance and behavior of each date item in the timeline, including the text, background color,etc..


    When utilizing the itemBuilder, it is essential to provide the width of each day for the date timeline widget.

    For example:

     dayProps: const EasyDayProps(
      // You must specify the width in this case.
      width: 124.0,
  • Locale Support : The "easy_date_timeline" package supports locale, allowing developers to display the timeline in different languages and formats based on the user's device settings. This feature ensures that the package can be used in a variety of international contexts and provides a seamless user experience for users around the world.

EasyInfiniteDateTimeLine itemBuilder example:

You can use the itemBuilder to customize the appearance of the day widget. The itemBuilder provides the following:

  • BuildContext context: The context of the widget.
  • DateTime date: The date of the day widget.
  • bool isSelected: Whether the day widget is selected or not.
  • VoidCallback onTap: The callback that triggers when the day widget is tapped.

    return EasyInfiniteDateTimeLine(
      selectionMode: const SelectionMode.autoCenter(),
      firstDate: DateTime(2024),
      focusDate: _focusDate,
      lastDate: DateTime(2024, 12, 31),
      onDateChange: (selectedDate) {
        setState(() {
          _focusDate = selectedDate;
      dayProps: const EasyDayProps(
        // You must specify the width in this case.
        width: 64.0,
        // The height is not required in this case.
        height: 64.0,
      itemBuilder: (
        BuildContext context,
        DateTime date,
        bool isSelected,
        VoidCallback onTap,
      ) {
        return InkResponse(
          // You can use `InkResponse` to make your widget clickable.
          // The `onTap` callback responsible for triggering the `onDateChange`
          // callback and animating to the selected date if the `selectionMode` is
          // SelectionMode.autoCenter() or SelectionMode.alwaysFirst().
          onTap: onTap,
          child: CircleAvatar(
            // use `isSelected` to specify whether the widget is selected or not.
                isSelected ? fillColor : fillColor.withOpacity(0.1),
            radius: 32.0,
            child: Column(
              children: [
                  child: Text(
                    style: TextStyle(
                      color: isSelected ? Colors.white : null,
                  child: Text(
                    EasyDateFormatter.shortDayName(date, "en_US"),
                    style: TextStyle(
                      color: isSelected ? Colors.white : null,

See also itemBuilder example for EasyDateTimeLine

Custom background

Use the activeDayProps in dayProps that contains decoration for the active day.

      onDateChange: (selectedDate) {
        //`selectedDate` the new date selected.
      headerProps: const EasyHeaderProps(
        monthPickerType: MonthPickerType.switcher,
        dateFormatter: DateFormatter.fullDateDMY(),
      dayProps: const EasyDayProps(
        dayStructure: DayStructure.dayStrDayNum,
        activeDayStyle: DayStyle(
          decoration: BoxDecoration(
            borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(8)),
            gradient: LinearGradient(
              begin: Alignment.topCenter,
              end: Alignment.bottomCenter,
              colors: [

Change current day highlight color and style

in the dayProps you can set todayHighlightStyle to :

  • TodayHighlightStyle.withBackground : Set a background color for the current day.
  • TodayHighlightStyle.withBorder : Set just a colored border for the current day.
  • TodayHighlightStyle.none : Remove the highlight from the current day. by default the highlight color equal to primary color with opacity of 20%. to change the highlight color you can use todayHighlightColor and set your own color.

      onDateChange: (selectedDate) {
        //`selectedDate` the new date selected.
      activeColor: const Color(0xff85A389),
      dayProps: const EasyDayProps(
        todayHighlightStyle: TodayHighlightStyle.withBackground,
        todayHighlightColor: Color(0xffE1ECC8),

NOTE: When you provide an inactiveDay.decoration to the EasyDateTimeline widget, it will override the current day highlight feature.

Change day structure

In the dayProps change the dayStructure to:

  • DayStructure.dayNumDayStr : show the current day number then current day name.
  • DayStructure.dayStrDayNum : show the current name then current day number.
  • DayStructure.monthDayNumDayStr : show current month name then the current day number finally current day name.
  • DayStructure.dayNumberOnly : show only current day number.
  • DayStructure.dayNameOnly : show only current day name.
  • DayStructure.dayStrDayNumMonth : show current day name then the current day number finally current moth name.

      onDateChange: (selectedDate) {
        //`selectedDate` the new date selected.
      activeColor: const Color(0xffFFBF9B),
      headerProps: const EasyHeaderProps(
        dateFormatter: DateFormatter.monthOnly(),
      dayProps: const EasyDayProps(
        height: 56.0,
        width: 56.0,
        dayStructure: DayStructure.dayNumDayStr,
        inactiveDayStyle: DayStyle(
          borderRadius: 48.0,
          dayNumStyle: TextStyle(
            fontSize: 18.0,
        activeDayStyle: DayStyle(
          dayNumStyle: TextStyle(
            fontSize: 18.0,
            fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,

Locale support

With easy_date_timeline, you can display dates and timelines in your preferred language and format. Simply pass the locale parameter with the appropriate language code and region as a value. For example, if you want to display the dates in Arabic, you can set the locale parameter to "ar". The package's support for localization allows you to provide a better user experience for users around the world by displaying text and information in their preferred language and format.

      onDateChange: (selectedDate) {
        //`selectedDate` the new date selected.
      activeColor: const Color(0xffB04759),
      locale: "ar",

Landscape view

With easy_date_timeline, you can display dates and timelines in landscape view just set landScapeMode to true in dayProps.

      onDateChange: (selectedDate) {
        //`selectedDate` the new date selected.
      activeColor: const Color(0xff116A7B),
      dayProps: const EasyDayProps(
        landScapeMode: true,
        activeDayStyle: DayStyle(
          borderRadius: 48.0,
        dayStructure: DayStructure.dayStrDayNum,
      headerProps: const EasyHeaderProps(
        dateFormatter: DateFormatter.fullDateDMonthAsStrY(),

Change header appearance

In the headerProps change the monthPickerType to:

  • MonthPickerType.switcher : show the month and you can change month by clicking the arrow buttons.
  • MonthPickerType.dropDown : show the month and you can change month from a dropdown menu.
  • also in the headerProps change the dateFormatter to:
  • DateFormatter.dayOnly() : Formats the date with only the day of the week for example "Monday".
  • DateFormatter.monthOnly() : Formats the date with only the month for example "January".
  • DateFormatter.fullDateDMY() : Formats the date as "day/month/year" (e.g., "01/01/2022"), You can also specify a custom separator to use between the day, month, and year. default separator is "/".
  • DateFormatter.fullDateMDY() : Formats the date as "month/day/year" (e.g., "01/25/2022"), You can also specify a custom separator to use between the day, month, and year. default separator is "/".
  • DateFormatter.fullDateDayAsStrMY() : Formats the date as "day month, year" (e.g., "Monday 12, 2022"), You can also specify a custom separator. default separator is ", ".
  • DateFormatter.fullDateDMonthAsStrY() : Formats the date as "day month year" (e.g., "1 January, 2022"), You can also specify a custom separator. default separator is ", ".
  • DateFormatter.fullDateMonthAsStrDY() : Formats the date as "month day, year" (e.g., "January 1, 2022"), You can also specify a custom separator. default separator is ", ".
  • DateFormatter.custom() : Formats the date using a custom formatter.

      onDateChange: (selectedDate) {
        //`selectedDate` the new date selected.
      activeColor: const Color(0xff37306B),
      headerProps: const EasyHeaderProps(
        monthPickerType: MonthPickerType.switcher,
        dateFormatter: DateFormatter.fullDateDayAsStrMY(),
      dayProps: const EasyDayProps(
        activeDayStyle: DayStyle(
          borderRadius: 32.0,
        inactiveDayStyle: DayStyle(
          borderRadius: 32.0,
      timeLineProps: const EasyTimeLineProps(
        hPadding: 16.0, // padding from left and right
        separatorPadding: 16.0, // padding between days

Customize day appearance


When utilizing the itemBuilder, it is essential to provide the width of each day for the date timeline widget.

  • For example:
  dayProps: const EasyDayProps(
   // You must specify the width in this case.
   width: 124.0,

You can use the itemBuilder to customize the appearance of the day widget. The itemBuilder provides the following:

  • BuildContext context.
  • String dayNumber : the day number ex: "11".
  • String dayName : the day name ex: "Sunday".
  • String monthName : the month name ex: "June".
  • DateTime fullDate : the full date of the day for fully customization.
  • bool isSelected : whether the day is selected or not.

      onDateChange: (selectedDate) {
        //`selectedDate` the new date selected.
      dayProps: const EasyDayProps(
        height: 56.0,
        // You must specify the width in this case.
        width: 124.0,
      headerProps: const EasyHeaderProps(
        dateFormatter: DateFormatter.fullDateMonthAsStrDY(),
      itemBuilder: (context, date, isSelected, onTap) {
        return InkWell(
          // You can use `InkResponse` to make your widget clickable.
          // The `onTap` callback responsible for triggering the `onDateChange`
          // callback.
          onTap: onTap,
          borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(16.0),
          child: Container(
            //the same width that provided previously.
            width: 124.0,
            padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 8.0),
            decoration: BoxDecoration(
              color: isSelected ? const Color(0xffFF6D60) : null,
              borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(16.0),
            child: Row(
              children: [
                  EasyDateFormatter.shortMonthName(date, "en_US"),
                  style: TextStyle(
                    fontSize: 12,
                    color: isSelected ? Colors.white : const Color(0xff6D5D6E),
                const SizedBox(
                  width: 8.0,
                  style: TextStyle(
                    fontSize: 20,
                    fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
                    color: isSelected ? Colors.white : const Color(0xff393646),
                const SizedBox(
                  width: 8.0,
                  EasyDateFormatter.shortDayName(date, "en_US"),
                  style: TextStyle(
                    fontSize: 12,
                    color: isSelected ? Colors.white : const Color(0xff6D5D6E),


    required this.initialDate,
    this.headerProps = const EasyHeaderProps(),
    this.timeLineProps = const EasyTimeLineProps(),
    this.dayProps = const EasyDayProps(),
    this.locale = "en_US",
    this.timeLineProps = const EasyTimeLineProps(),
    this.dayProps = const EasyDayProps(),
    this.locale = "en_US",
    required this.firstDate,
    required this.focusDate,
    required this.lastDate,
    this.showTimelineHeader = true,


The "easy_date_timeline" package is a customizable Flutter widget that displays a timeline of dates in a horizontal timeline.







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