A place for fun, practice, and all kinds of exercises. Small and larger projects related to various educational platforms. So that I would write, write and write
1st challenge - BOOM! alert
2nd challenge - Mad Libs
3rd challenge - quiz - if statement
4th challenge - random number
5th challenge - refactoring the code
6th challenge - quiz - array
7th challenge - pet profiles
8th challenge - DOM manipulation
9th challenge - widget, JSON - "Who is in the office?" & "Which rooms are available?"
10th challenge - asynchronous JavaScript with Callbacks, Promisses and async-await. App "How many people are in Space?".
11th challenge - "DoggoSelect" an application for displaying random photos of dogs with a choice of dog breed and the ability to add a name and a note.
12th challenge - 1/ Object Literals; 2/ Class, constructor, instance, getter & setter;
13th challenge - game 'Four in a Row';
14th challenge - simple dynamic site with Node.js
15th challenge - Express app 'Flashcards'— OMG! The last part was a mess, but I figured it out.
16th challenge - Closures
17th_challenge - debugging with VS Code, simple app 'Reversify'
18th challenge - asynchronous code in Express
19th challenge - REST API - Exspress
20th challenge - Using SQL ORMs with Node.js
21st challenge - website/blog with articles - Using Sequelize ORM With Express
22nd challenge - App 'Grocery List' React Basics! - very basic app
23rd challenge - displaying planet cards
24th challenge - 'Scoreboard' app with React - useState, useRef, useEffect, reused components frm 22nd challenge
25th challenge - 'Star rating'
26th challenge - 'GifSearch' - fetching data from Giphy API
27th challenge - React Router: Routes, Poutes, Links, NavLinks, Navigate, useNavigate, useParams, useRef
28th challenge - React Router: useContext - theme switcher, accent color, font size. Basic authentication. Cookies.
29th challenge - React - basic portfolio site
30th challenge - TypeScript reminder
31st challenge - Google Maps API, map with two markers.
32nd challenge - Simple Sorter, TypeScript practise.
33rd challenge - A simple database analysis and reporting application