Pre-built files can be found in either turtlesim.js or turtlesim.min.js.
In html, add
<script src="build/turtlesim.js"></script>
<canvas id="world" width="500" height="500"></canvas>
In command line, run roscore
, rosbridge
roslaunch rosbridge_server rosbridge_websocket.launch
, and turtle_teleop_key
rosrun turtlesim turtle_teleop_key
. Just like running turtlesim, you can use turtle_teleop_key to control turtlesimJS.
var turtlesim = new TURTLESIMJS.TurtleSim({
// a ros instance
ros : ros,
// the context of the HTML canvas
context : context,
// if the turtle can be controlled by keyboard
keyControl : true,
// the background color
fill : "#4556FF",
// the interval to update the turtlesim
interval : 100
Some items can be ignored.
// a unique name for the turtle
name : 'turtle1',
// initialize pose
pose : {
x : width / 2,
y : height / 2,
theta : 0
// pen for trajectory
pen : {
color : "#b3b8ff",
width : "3",
off : false
// image for a turtle
img : "a random turtle image.png"
Some items can be ignored.
turtleX/cmd_vel (geometry_msgs/Twist)
The linear and angular command velocity for turtleX. The turtle will execute a velocity command for 1 second then time out.
turtleX/pose (turtlesim/Pose)
The x, y, theta, linear velocity, and angular velocity of turtleX.
It mimics the services provided by turtlesim. Unfortunately roslibjs does not provide APIs to create a service, so the following functions do not work.
Clears the turtlesim background and sets the color to the value of the background parameters.
Resets the turtlesim to the start configuration and sets the background color to the value of the background.
Kills a turtle by name.
Spawns a turtle at (x, y, theta) and returns the name of the turtle. Also will take name for argument but will fail if a duplicate name.
Sets the pen's color (r g b), width (width), and turns the pen on and off (off).
Teleports the turtleX to (x, y, theta).
Teleports the turtleX a linear and angular distance from the turtles current position.
Sets the blue channel of the background color.
Sets the green channel of the background color.
Sets the red channel of the background color.
turtlesimjs depends on:
turtlesimjs is released with a BSD license. For full terms and conditions, see the LICENSE file.
This project follows the idea of turtlesimjs, and it mimics turtlesim.