Here are best key bindings ever created.
They are accessible, easy-to-remember and inspired with right-hand supremacy.
FUNTICK is a keybindings map based on VSCode, VIM and JetBrains shortcuts. Key combinations are categorized by mode, mode key combinations are divided into left-handed and right-handed, where left-handed ones are functional and right-handed ones as WASD and always stand for movement:
| |
| i UP | ctrl =
| j l = LEFT RIGHT | shift =
| k DOWN | alt =
| |
| a>s>d>f => GRADUATION | alt + m = SWITCH MODE
|_________________________| n/m/l/h MODE CODES
What do emojis mean?
👐🏻 two-handed
🤚🏻 one-handed
🚥 graduation using asdf
🔢 prefixes available
Code managment
ctrl + /
- Comment/uncomment with line commentctrl + + shift + /
- Comment/uncomment with block commentalt + enter
- Smart code completion (filters the list of methods and variables by expected type)alt + shift + enter
- Generate code... (Getters, Setters, Constructors, hashCode/equals, toString)ctrl + alt + l
- format codectrl + alt + i
- optimize importstab
- indent selected linesshift + tab
- unindent selected linesctrl + x
- Cut current line or selected block to clipboardctrl + c
- Copy current line or selected block to clipboardctrl + shift + c
- Copy absolute path to filectrl + v
- Paste from clipboardctrl + shift + v
- Paste from recent buffers...ctrl + d
- Duplicate Line/Selection
shift shift
- shows command palettectrl + f
- findctrl + r
- replacectrl + l
- Find next (if in search mode)ctrl + j
- Find previous
- save allctrl+alt+s
- open settingsctrl+alt+k
- manage keybindings
Tabs switch (as VIM)
To exit any mode use enter
or by repeating it's keybindings
- move cursor up -
- move cursor right -
- move cursor left -
- move cursor down -
alt + i
- move cursor to beginning of braces -
alt + l
- move cursor to word end -
alt + j
- move cursor to word start -
alt + k
- move cursor to end of braces -
shift + i
- jump half page up & center on cursor -
shift + l
- jump cursor to end of the line -
shift + j
- jump cursor to beginning of the line -
shift + k
- jump half page down & center on cursor -
ctrl + i
- up in file tree -
ctrl + l
- go in folder -
ctrl + j
- go out of folder -
ctrl + k
- down in file tree
Horizontal 🚥
- to first character in the lines
- to first non-blank character in the lined
- to middle of the screen linef
- to last character in screen line
- go to (E)nd of the filet
- go to (T)op of the file
Text objects
- move to local declarationgD
- move to global declaration
- select upl
- select rightj
- select leftk
- select downalt + i
- move select/string to topalt + l
- move select/string to rightalt + j
- move select/string to leftalt + k
- move select/string to bottom
- select a (W)orde
- d(E)select
Brackets 🚥
- select a block with ()d
- select a block with {}s
- select a block with <>a
- select a block with []
- toggles right panel -
- toggles left panel -
- toggles bottom (down) panel -
alt + i
- moves active tab to top -
alt + l
- moves active tab to right -
alt + j
- moves active tab to left -
alt + k
- moves active tab to bottom -
shift + i
- move cursor to the window above -
shift + l
- move cursor to the right window -
shift + j
- move cursor to the left window -
shift + k
- move cursor to the window below
- open (D)ebugf
- open (F)ile treex
- open e(X)tensionsg
- open (G)itt
- open (T)erminalwq
- (Q)uit active windowws
- (S)plit windowwv
- (V)ertically split window
File management
new (F)ile
(View) Toggle preview on the side