- First clone this repository in your machine
- Main pages are under _page directory (that simlink to _posts).
- To edit content just modify any of this files, writing in Markwdown style.
- Commit and push changes to master (git commit -am "some message")
- Github automatically will regenerate site content (git push)
First clone this repository in your machine
Create a new file under _posts with the following name convention: aaaa-mm-dd-page_name
Optionally create a simlink into _page directory
Add the following header
------ layout: page title: <Page title> ------
Write content in Markdown format
OR use an existing file as base
Add new files to git (git add )
Commit and push changes to master (git commit -am "some message")
Github automatically will regenerate site content (git push)
To easily add images centred and responsive inside post and pages the image.html include was created. It is used as follows:
{% include image.html src="path_to_image" title="image_description" %}
For example, the following code is added in a markdown text to add an image from images/test_brasil/ path and the description Image in the bottom:
{% include image.html src="images/test_brasil/suchai_inpe_1.png" title="Image" %}
Please use git issues tracker to submit requirements and report bugs. (https://github.com/proyectoSuchai/proyectoSuchai.github.io/issues)