Language Integrated Query (LINQ) for JavaScript based on ECMA Script 2015
(formerly known as ES6)
In order to install & use LINQ4ES2015, Node JS is required to be installed on Development machine.
If you've not configured jspm yet, follow our blog post
Note: Latest version of jspm must be installed on your machine, try running:
npm update jspm -g
Go to the root directory of the project and run the following command to install LINQ4ES2015:
jspm install linq4es2015
After installing LINQ4ES2015 you can use the following JavaScript code to import it:
import Linq from "linq4es2015/linq";
a simple usage is shown in the following code (Prototype based approach):
Linq.setExtensions(); // You've to run this, only once, if you're interested in prototype based approach.
let result = [0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9].asEnumerable()
.where(num => num % 2 == 0)
.orderByDescending(num => num)
.select(num => '[' + num + ']')
let sum = 'a2r3'.asEnumerable().where(chr => !isNaN(chr)).select(num => Number(num)).sum();
// sum will be 5
or wihtout extentions (No prototype modification is required):
let enumerable = Linq.asEnumerable([0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]);
let result = Linq.toArray(Linq.distinct(, n => n % 2 == 0), 3), n => n), n => '[' + n ']')));
// You don't have to call Linq.setExtensions with this approach, and you can load any module you'd prefer to use, instead of loading all of them.
result will be [ "[2]", "[0]" ] and where predicate will be executed only 4 times.
Important performance tip: This project uses babel at runtime to transpile ECMA 2015 codes to ECMA 5 codes, to make running app on all browsers possible. But for production, you'll need to move transpile time from runtime to build time. This will improve your app performance a lot. We'll add more information about this later, but you can find some good docs about this on jspm & babel docs.
Note: Each method has its own Wiki page, including description and samples about that method.
Download the samples folder and run the following commands in the sample's root directory:
npm install
jspm insatll
We need a webserver to run the sample. http-server is a simple one. install it by runnting this command:
npm install http-server -g
then run the following command in the sample's directory:
Note that you can use any web server you prefer.
Supported methods:
Click on each method hyperlink to see description and samples. Read Home Wiki first
Projection and restriction methods:
Join methods:
Set methods:
all, any, contains, concat, defaultIfEmpty, distinct, except, intersect, union
Ordering methods:
Grouping methods:
Aggregate Methods:
Paging methods:
elementAt, elementAtOrDefault, first, firstOrDefault, last, lastOrDefault, single, singleOrDefault,
Enumerable methods:
Other methods:
In Progress Methods:
thenBy thenByDescending
See Wiki pages