Update -- May, 2024
- WARNING: Some of these tools may break due to internal changes in
). Tools work as intended at least withexiftool
but not with12.76
main target group:
Linux users who own a Canon DSLR camera and may have Magic Lantern firmware on their workflow
Linux users who own a Canon DSLR camera and are interested in exporting statistics from their CR2 raw images
...and others alike
Create image statistics easily with a right-click menu entry in Dolphin file manager. Exports statistics from RAW images and draws various plots based on this data
Support for following statistics (with GNU Plot):
- Temperatures & ISOs
NOTE GNU Plots are not yet supported for
Apertures, Exposures & ISOs
Focal Lengths & Lenses
Shooting & Focus Modes
Possible to extract all or selected camera RAW metadata and save it into a CSV file for post-processing.
Convert Magic Lantern dual ISO cr2 files easily with a right-click menu entry in Dolphin file manager.
Support for individual image and multiple images selection.
Is able to distinguish single ISO CR2 files from dual ISO CR2 files. You can select multiple CR2 files without need to care about this issue.
By default, CR2 images contain metadata which crop them in most image viewers. This script removes all cropping tags and you get full-sized images for your post-processing editors as a result.
support for cr2hdr. Therefore, the tool can be used just to check whether a CR2 image is a dual ISO image or not. Useful option in scripting & programming.
- Create a Magic Lantern bootable SD card for your Canon DSLR. Code is released by Magic Lantern project under GPL license.
- Print information about Magic Lantern MLV files on KDE/Plasma desktop environment
- Scripts for deleting all or critical (identifiable) metadata from image files. Preferred usage: integrated with Dolphin file manager.
- Stack multiple non-RAW TIFF images in a directory
Source files for customized cr2hdr tool, required by scripts (statistics, dual ISO conversions...) in this repository.
Source files for creating an Arch Linux package for Magic Lantern bootable SD card tool.
Patch file for GNU Plot for better QT integration. Adds and alters some features which benefit generated statistics. Tested with GNU Plot 5.0.6.
Dolphin file manager desktop integration for scripts in this repository.
Main scripts for exporting statistics, doing image conversions...etc.
Sample images.
Temperature & ISO plots for 20 images:
Temperature & ISO plots for 2 images:
Exported statistics:
Dolphin menu entries (KDE/Plasma):
Statistics export progress bar (KDE/Plasma):
Contents of this repository have been published under GPLv2.