Note: 'preset_climate_modes' must have a mode_id: that matches an existing mode in your climate's list of 'preset_modes'. This can be found by looking at the attributes for your climate entity in the developer tools.
entity: climate.myhouse
- mode_icon: 'mdi:home'
mode_id: Home
- mode_icon: 'mdi:briefcase'
mode_id: Away
- mode_icon: 'mdi:sleep'
mode_id: Sleep
- mode_icon: 'mdi:party-popper'
mode_id: Party
- mode_icon: 'mdi:shield-airplane'
mode_id: Vacation
- mode_icon: 'mdi:weather-sunset'
mode_id: Wake Up
type: 'custom:better-thermostat'
Raw Yaml Configuration for HACS
- url: /community_plugin/lovelace-better-thermostat/better-thermostat.js
type: js
Templated from boilerplate-card
- Still in development. May occasionally have debug statements in the console.
- This is software I write in my freetime to make Home Assistant's UI better for my own personal use! I'm happy to share it! But please know you are using it at your own risk! :)