The IRC bot to announce new Nyaa releases.
NekoBot scrapes for new releases and sends a message to #nyaannounce
in Rizon IRC
Autobrr Definition for all Nyaa releases can be found here
Autobrr Definition for SubsPlease releases can be found here
Instructions on setting up custom definitions in autobrr can be found here
Bun is used to run the bot for zero typescript dependencies and speed.
Redis is required to keep state of last reported release
- Set the last release in redis:
redis-cli set nyaa:last 0
- Copy .env.example to .env and edit with correct settings
- Install bun dependencies with
bun install
Run the bot!
# Run in terminal
bun src/index.ts;
# Or with PM2 to manage the process
pm2 start --interpreter bun src/index.ts --name="NekoBot"