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Joshua Fogg edited this page Jul 31, 2024 · 3 revisions
gurobi_robust_genetics_sqp(sigma, mubar, omega, sires, dams, lam, kappa, dimension, upper_bound, lower_bound, time_limit, max_iterations, robust_gap_tol, model_output, debug)

Solve the robust optimal contribution selection problem using Gurobi. Consider a breeding cohort whose relationships are modelled some matrix $\Sigma$, and whose expected breeding values have mean $\boldsymbol{\bar\mu}$ and variance $\Omega$. This function uses sequential quadratic programming the contribution $\mathbf{w}$ which maximises expected breeding value subject to considering the worst case for group co-ancestry under some constraints.


  • sigma : ndarray or spmatrix
    Relationship matrix $\Sigma$ for the candidates in the cohort. This can either be a dense NumPy array or a sparse SciPy matrix, but either way must be symmetric and positive definite. If an estimated model is being used then any correction should be done before use here.
  • mubar : ndarray
    Vector $\boldsymbol{\bar\mu}$ of expected values of the expected returns for candidates in the cohort for selection.
  • sigma : ndarray or spmatrix
    Covariance matrix $\Omega$ for expected returns for candidates in the cohort. This can either be a dense NumPy array or a sparse SciPy matrix, but either way must be symmetric and positive definite. If an estimated model is being used then any correction should be done before use here.
  • sires : Any
    An object representing an set of indices for all sires (male candidates) in the cohort. Type is not restricted, so could be a NumPy array, a set, a list, an iterator like range, etc.
  • dams : Any
    An object representing an set of indices for all dams (female candidates) in the cohort. Type is not restricted, so could be a NumPy array, a set, a list, an iterator like range, etc.
  • lam : float
    Controls the balance between risk and return, with lower values giving riskier selections and higher more conservative ones. This can take any real value, but $\lambda<0$ effectively corresponds to rewarding inbreeding so should not be considered.
  • kappa : float
    Controls how resilient the solution must be to variation in expected breeding values. Can take any positive real values, with higher values representing a higher tolerance for uncertainty. Taking $\kappa = 0$ corresponds to assuming is known exactly, while $\kappa = \infty$ corresponds to unlimited tolerance for uncertainty.
  • dimension : int
    Number of candidates in the cohort, i.e. the dimension of the problem. While strictly speaking this is evident from the other parameters, it's asked for as a convenience to prevent repeated calculation.
  • upper_bound : ndarray or float, optional
    Upper bound on how much each candidate can contribute. This can be an array of differing bounds for each candidate, or a float which applies to all candidates equally. This value should be such that $0\leq l_i \leq u_i \leq 1$ and the default is, $\mathbf{u} = \mathbf{1}$, enforced by the contributions $\mathbf{w}$ being a vector proportions rather than absolute values.
  • lower_bound : ndarray or float, optional
    Lower bound on how much each candidate can contribute. This can be an array of differing bounds for each candidate, or a float which applies to all candidates equally. This value should be such that $0\leq l_i \leq u_i \leq 1$ and the default is, $\mathbf{l} = \mathbf{0}$, enforced by the contributions $\mathbf{w}$ being a vector proportions rather than absolute values.
  • time_limit : float, optional
    Maximum amount of time in seconds to give Gurobi to solve the problem. Optional, with the default being no time limit.
  • max_iterations : int, optional
    Maximum number of iterations that can be taken in solving the problem, i.e. the maximum number of constraints to use to approximate the constraint. Optional, with a default value of 1000.
  • robust_gap_tol : float, optional
    Tolerance to use checking whether an approximating constraint is active, and whether the SQP overall has converged. Default value is $10^{-7}$.
  • model_output : str, optional
    Name to use if saving the model file to the working directory. If given, the string is used as the file name, '{model_output}.mps'. This is optional, and by default the file isn't saved.
  • debug : bool, optional
    Flag which controls whether Gurobi prints its output to terminal. Default value is False.


  • ndarray
    Portfolio vector $\mathbf{w}$ which Gurobi has determined is a solution.
  • float
    Auxiliary variable $z$ corresponding to uncertainty associated with the portfolio vector which Gurobi has determined is a solution.
  • float
    Value of the objective function for returned solution.


If a problem had been loaded into Python, then usage of this function might look like

>>> w, z, obj = robustocs.gurobi_robust_genetics_sqp(
...     sigma, mubar, omega, sires, dams, lam=0.5, kappa=1, dimension=4)
>>> w
array([0.38223361, 0.38223361, 0.11776639, 0.11776639])
>>> z
>>> obj

Note that due to differing methods this need not give exactly the same solution as gurobi_robust_genetics_conic or highs_robust_genetics_sqp, though they should be similar to some tolerance.