Simple C# 12 .NET 8.0 based functions for Fohhn-Net communication.
- Installed .NET 8.0 SDK.
- Add Fohhn.Net.Core, Fohhn.Net.Devices and Fohhn.Net.IP or Fohhn.Net.Ports to your .NET project.
Go to device manager and activate Load VCP (Virtual COM Port) in the properties of the Fohhn USB device that is displayed as USB Serial Converter. The USB device needs a reconnect to enumerate the COM Port.
Example for sending a command and receiving a reply: Always wait for a reply, or at least 350ms timeout, before sending the next command!
Node node = new IpNode(""); // IP address of Fohhn device
node.DataReceived += Node_DataReceived;
byte[] cmd = Info.BuildReadCmd(1); // Fohhn-Net ID 1
replyDecoder = new ReplyDecoder(1);
Thread.Sleep(500); // wait before exiting the test command line application
private static ReplyDecoder replyDecoder;
private static void Node_DataReceived(object? sender, DataReceiveEventArgs e)
if (replyDecoder != null)
if (replyDecoder.DecodeReceivedBytes(e.Data))
if (replyDecoder.Data != null)
ushort device = 0;
byte[] version = [0, 0, 0];
if(Info.ParseReadBack(replyDecoder.Data, ref device, ref version))
Console.WriteLine("invalid reply");
Example for using a USB Virtual COM Port:
Node node = new SerialPortNode("COM5", SerialPortNode.B19200);
Fohhn.Net licensed under the MIT License, see LICENSE for more information.