20th october 2020
48 commits
to master
since this release
MinMicroG installer 2.8
Official microG update!
- Update MicroG and FakeStore for A11 support and COVID exposure notif APIs (if you're into that sort of thing)
- Updated PlayStore
If you are not able to grant "access background location" perm or "receive SMS" perm to MicroG, you can try:
- Running npem in terminal as root
- Extracting system/priv-app/MicroGGMSCore/MicroGGMSCore.apk from the zip and installing it as an user app update
- Installing MinMicroG as system instead of as a Magisk module
- Clean flashing, if all else fails
(reference: microg/GmsCore#1100)
I might be somewhat busy for the foreseeable future, so I won't make releases that frequently, since most of it is updateable from FDroid. I also coerced github into making me "nightlies" whenever things are updated. Of course, no testing and no guarantees on whether these things will work:
Certificates for APKs attached.