Releases: FriendsOfCake/vagrant-chef
Releases · FriendsOfCake/vagrant-chef
- Add default username:password for CakePHP 3 apps to mysql provisioning
- Add Cake3 default databases
- Force sendfile off in all sites
- Fix install order so cli php matches web php
- Fix gitignore patterns
- Fix support for CakePHP 3 by adding mbstring
- Add support for multiple repositories
- Simplify chef runs
- Upgrade GIT to 2.9
- Upgrade MySQL to 5.6
- Upgrade PHP to 7.0
- Upgrade Postgres to 9.6
- Upgrade Redis to 3.0
- Upgrade Ruby to 2.3
- Enable mcrypt through symlink. Closes #33
- Turn sendfile off to fix nginx static asset proxying. #36
- Parallels support. #40
- Fix example of directory structure on README #43
- Use bento boxes instead of chef 59653e2
- pass to fallback on try_files failed #42
- Fix nginx default page #39
- Custom box for parallels is not needed now #45
- Update ruby version to 2.2 #47
Updates to the base installation:
- Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Trusty Tahr
- Nginx 1.6
- PHP 5.5
- Ruby 2.1
- Percona MySQL 5.6
- Postgres 9.3
- Redis 2.8
- Memcached 1.4
- Git 2.2
- Composer
- The ruby gems heroku, hub, travis and travis-lint
Other changes:
- Simplified apt repo installation
- Ensure mysql users are available via all interfaces
- Quiet chef logger
- Fix issue where postgres was unable to properly create postgres_default_username file
- Install sqlite for debug_kit. Closes #27
- Remove hardcoded params from nginx. Closes #25
- Increase vm memory allocation to 1024 MB
- Added sqlite support
- Fixed issue with missing lwrp
- Ubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin
- Ningx 1.6
- PHP 5.5
- Ruby 1.9.3
- Percona MySQL 5.5
- Postgres 9.1
- Redis 2.8
- Memcached 1.4
- Git 2.0
- Composer
- The ruby gems heroku, hub, travis and travis-lint