A CLLocation
category to handle various representations of map coordinates.
With this category, you can:
- Convert from degrees, minutes, and seconds values to decimal degrees and back again.
- Convert from decimal degrees to MinDec values of degrees and minutes and back again.
- Initialize a
object from degrees, minutes, and seconds or MinDec values.
– double used to store the degrees component of a coordinate.FESLocationMinutes
– double used to store the minutes component of a coordinate.FESLocationSeconds
– double used to store the seconds component of a coordinate.FESLocationDegreesMinutesSeconds
– struct used to store a triplet of degrees, minutes, and seconds representing a coordinate.FESLocationDegreesMinutesSeconds2D
– struct used to store a pair of FESLocationDegreesMinutesSeconds that represent a coordinate.FESLocationDegreesMinDec
- struct used to store of degrees and seconds representing a MinDec coordinate.FESLocationMinDec2D
- struct used to store a pair of FESLocationMinDec2D that represent a location.
FESLocationDegreesMinutesSeconds FESLocationDegreesMinutesSecondsMake(FESLocationDegrees degrees, FESLocationMinutes minutes, FESLocationSeconds seconds);
Creates an FESLocationDegreesMinutesSeconds
struct from separate degrees, minutes, and seconds components.
FESLocationDegreesMinDec FESLocationDegreesMinDecMake(FESLocationDegrees degrees, FESLocationMinutes minutes);
Creates an FESLocationDegreesMinDec
struct from two components: degrees and minutes.
FESLocationMinDec2D FESLocationMinDec2DMake(FESLocationDegreesMinDec latitude, FESLocationDegreesMinDec longitude);
Creates a FESLocationMinDec2D struct from a pair of FESLocationMinDecCoordinate to represent a location.
+ (CLLocation *)fes_initFromDegreesMinutesSeconds2D:(FESLocationDegreesMinutesSeconds2D)location;
Create a CLLocation
object from an FESLocationDegreesMinutesSeconds2D
struct representing a location in degrees, minutes, and seconds.
+ (CLLocation *)fes_initFromMinDec2D:(FESLocationMinDec2D)location;
Create a CLLocation
object from an FESLocationMinDec2D
struct representing a MinDec location in degrees and minutes.
+ (CLLocationDegrees)fes_decimalDegreesForDegreesMinutesSeconds:(FESLocationDegreesMinutesSeconds)coordinate;
Convert an FESLocationDegreesMinutesSeconds
struct representing a coordinate in degrees, minutes, and seconds to decimal degrees.
+ (CLLocationDegrees)fes_decimalDegreesForDegreesMinDec:(FESLocationDegreesMinDec)coordinate;
Convert an FESLocationDegreesMinDec
struct representing a MinDec coordinate in degrees and minutes to decimal degrees.
+ (FESLocationDegreesMinutesSeconds)fes_degreesMinutesSecondsForDecimalDegrees:(CLLocationDegrees)degrees;
Convert a CLLocationDegrees
value representing decimal degrees to an FESLocationCoordinate2D
struct representing a coordinate in degrees, minutes, and seconds.
+ (FESLocationDegreesMinDec)fes_degreesMinDecForDecimalDegrees:(CLLocationDegrees)degrees;
Convert a CLLocationDegrees
value representing decimal degrees to an FESLocationDegreesMinDec
struct representing one axis of a MinDec coordinate in degrees and minutes.
+ (FESLocationDegreesMinutesSeconds2D)fes_degreesMinutesSeconds2DForCoordinate:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)location;
Convert a CLLocationCoordinate2D
value representing a location to FESLocationDegreesMinutesSeconds2D
struct representing a location in degrees, minutes, and seconds format.
+ (FESLocationMinDec2D)fes_degreesMinDec2DForCoordinate:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)location;
Convert a CLLocationCoordinate2D
value representing a location to FESLocationMinDec2D
struct representing a location in MinDec format.
+ (NSString *)fes_formattedStringForDegreesMinutesSeconds:(FESLocationDegreesMinutesSeconds)degrees withAxis:(FESAxis)axis;
Format and return an NSString
with the values represented by an FESLocationDegreesMinutesSeconds
and it's axis (latitude or longitude).
+ (NSString *)fes_formattedStringForMinDecDegree:(FESLocationDegreesMinDec)degrees withAxis:(FESAxis)axis;
Format and return an NSString
with the values represented by an FESLocationDegreesMinDec
and it's axis (latitude or longitude).