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ehu-ti8m committed Jan 9, 2025
1 parent dc01ae0 commit 1fe0cc9
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Showing 5 changed files with 307 additions and 0 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions config/hardware/temperature_sensors/chamber_temp.cfg
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,3 +9,6 @@ gcode:
[temperature_sensor Chamber]
sensor_type: ATC Semitec 104GT-2

# Include adaptations to the menus
[include ../../../config/software/display/display_chamber_temp.cfg]
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions config/hardware/temperature_sensors/chamber_temp_ds18b20.cfg
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,3 +15,6 @@ gcode:
sensor_type: DS18B20
sensor_mcu: rpi
serial_no: override-me-to-the-correct-serial

# Include adaptations to the menus
[include ../../../config/software/display/display_chamber_temp.cfg]
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions config/hardware/temperature_sensors/chamber_temp_toolhead.cfg
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,3 +9,6 @@ gcode:
[temperature_sensor Chamber]
sensor_type: ATC Semitec 104GT-2
sensor_pin: toolhead:CHAMBER_TEMPERATURE

# Include adaptations to the menus
[include ../../../config/software/display/display_chamber_temp.cfg]
166 changes: 166 additions & 0 deletions config/software/display/display.cfg
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -143,3 +143,169 @@ index: 3
name: Clean Nozzle

# Require confirmation for anything that would abort an in-progress print.
# Steppers off
[menu __main __control __disable]
type: command
name: Steppers off
enable: {printer.idle_timeout.state != "Printing"}

[menu __main __control __disable_printing]
type: list
index: 3
enable: {printer.idle_timeout.state == "Printing"}
name: Steppers off

[menu __main __control __disable_printing __confirm]
type: command
name: Confirm steppers off

[menu __main __sdcard __start]
type: command
enable: {('virtual_sdcard' in printer) and printer.virtual_sdcard.file_path and not printer.virtual_sdcard.is_active and
(printer.print_stats.state != "printing" or printer.print_stats.state != "paused")}
name: Start printing
gcode: M24

# SD card cancel
[menu __main __sdcard __cancel]
type: list
enable: {('virtual_sdcard' in printer) and
(printer.print_stats.state == "printing" or
printer.print_stats.state == "paused")}
name: Cancel printing

[menu __main __sdcard __cancel __confirm]
type: command
name: Confirm cancel printing

[menu __main __control __home]
type: input
enable: {not printer.print_stats.state == "printing" }
name: Home: {['ALL','Z','X Y', 'Non'][menu.input|int]}
input: 0
input_min: 0
input_max: 3
gcode: {['G28','G28 Z','G28 X Y',''][menu.input|int]}
index: 1

[menu __main __control __fan]
type: list
name: Fan
index: 9

[menu __main __control __fan __partcooling]
type: list
enable: {'fan' in printer}
name: Cooling {'%3d%s' % (*100,'%') if else 'OFF'}

[menu __main __control __fan __partcooling __fanonoff]
type: input
name: Toggle: {'ON' if menu.input else 'OFF'}
input: {}
input_min: 0
input_max: 1
input_step: 1
gcode: M106 S{255 if menu.input else 0}

[menu __main __control __fan __partcooling __fanspeed]
type: input
name: Speed: {'%3d%s' % (menu.input*100,'%') if menu.input else 'OFF'}
input: {}
input_min: 0
input_max: 1
input_step: 0.01
gcode: M106 S{'%d' % (menu.input*255)}

[menu __main __control __fan __filter]
type: list
enable: {'fan_generic filter' in printer}
name: Filter {'%3d%s' % (printer['fan_generic filter'].speed*100,'%') if printer['fan_generic filter'].speed else 'OFF'}

[menu __main __control __fan __filter __filteronoff]
type: input
name: Toggle: {'ON ' if menu.input else 'OFF'}
input: {printer['fan_generic filter'].speed}
input_min: 0
input_max: 1
input_step: 1
gcode: {% if menu.input %} START_FILTER {% else %} STOP_FILTER {% endif %}

[menu __main __control __fan __filter __filterspeed]
type: input
name: Speed: {'%3d%s' % (menu.input*100,'%') if menu.input else 'OFF'}
input: {printer['fan_generic filter'].speed}
input_min: 0
input_max: 1
input_step: 0.01
gcode: SET_FAN_SPEED FAN=filter SPEED={menu.input}

[menu __main __control __fan __exhaust]
type: list
enable: {'fan_generic exhaust' in printer}
name: Exhaust {'%3d%s' % (printer['fan_generic exhaust'].speed*100,'%') if printer['fan_generic exhaust'].speed else 'OFF'}

[menu __main __control __fan __exhaust __exhaustonoff]
type: input
name: Toggle: {'ON ' if menu.input else 'OFF'}
input: {printer['fan_generic exhaust'].speed}
input_min: 0
input_max: 1
input_step: 1
gcode: {% if menu.input %} START_EXHAUST {% else %} STOP_EXHAUST {% endif %}

[menu __main __control __fan __exhaust __exhaustspeed]
type: input
name: Speed: {'%3d%s' % (menu.input*100,'%') if menu.input else 'OFF'}
input: {printer['fan_generic exhaust'].speed}
input_min: 0
input_max: 1
input_step: 0.01
gcode: SET_FAN_SPEED FAN=exhaust SPEED={menu.input}

#Disable old Control
[menu __main __control __homez]
type: command
enable: 0
name: Home Z
gcode: G28 Z

[menu __main __control __homexy]
type: command
enable: 0
name: Home X/Y
gcode: G28 X Y

[menu __main __control __fanonoff]
type: input
enable: 0
name: Fan: {'ON ' if menu.input else 'OFF'}
input: {}
input_min: 0
input_max: 1
input_step: 1
M106 S{255 if menu.input else 0}

[menu __main __control __fanspeed]
type: input
enable: 0
name: Fan speed: {'%3d' % (menu.input*100)}%
input: {}
input_min: 0
input_max: 1
input_step: 0.01
132 changes: 132 additions & 0 deletions config/software/display/display_chamber_temp.cfg
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
[display_glyph chamber]

[display_glyph voron]

display_group: __voron_display

[display_template _vheater_temperature]
param_heater_name: "extruder"
{% if param_heater_name in printer %}
{% set heater = printer[param_heater_name] %}
# Show glyph
{% if param_heater_name == "heater_bed" %}
{% if %}
{% set frame = (printer.toolhead.estimated_print_time|int % 2) + 1 %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
# Show temperature
{ "%3.0f" % (heater.temperature,) }
# Optionally show target
{% if and (heater.temperature -|abs > 2 %}
{ "%0.0f" % (,) }
{% endif %}
{% endif %}

[display_data __voron_display extruder]
position: 0, 0
text: { render("_vheater_temperature", param_heater_name="extruder") }

[display_data __voron_display fan]
position: 0, 10
{% if 'fan' in printer %}
{% set speed = %}
{% if speed %}
{% set frame = (printer.toolhead.estimated_print_time|int % 2) + 1 %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{ "{:>4.0%}".format(speed) }
{% endif %}

[display_data __voron_display bed]
position: 1, 0
text: { render("_vheater_temperature", param_heater_name="heater_bed") }

[display_data __voron_display progress_text]
position: 1, 10
{% set progress = printer.display_status.progress %}
{ "{:^6.0%}".format(progress) }

[display_data __voron_display progress_text2]
position: 1, 10
{% set progress = printer.display_status.progress %}
{ draw_progress_bar(1, 10, 6, progress) }

[display_data __voron_display printing_time]
position: 2, 10
{% set ptime = printer.idle_timeout.printing_time %}
{ "%02d:%02d" % (ptime // (60 * 60), (ptime // 60) % 60) }

# This section defines the actual chamber temp. field,
# replace 'temperature_sensor chamber' as necessary
[display_data __voron_display chamber]
position: 2, 0
{% set chamber = printer['temperature_sensor Chamber'] %}
{ "%3.0f" % (chamber.temperature,) }

[display_data __voron_display print_status]
position: 3, 0
{% if printer.display_status.message %}
{ printer.display_status.message }
{% elif printer.idle_timeout.printing_time %}
{% set pos = printer.toolhead.position %}
{ "X%-4.0fY%-4.0fZ%-5.2f" % (pos.x, pos.y, pos.z) }
{% else %}
{ "V2.6474" }
{ "Elias23" } ## TODO variable or something
{% endif %}

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