This is course from University of California, Berkeley CS61C
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Course resources
Category | Accessibility |
Videos | ✅ |
Homework | ❌ |
Labs | ✅ |
Discussion | ✅ |
Project | ✅ |
Most labs and projs are from 2021 FALL, few are from 2020 FALL
Due to some ucb platform upgrade some lab and proj can't run properly due to API changes. So some projects and labs are from 2021 instead from 2020.
Labs link | Name | Progress |
lab 1 (2020 FALL) | C and GDB | ✅ |
lab 2 (2020 FALL) | Advanced C, Valgrind | ✅ |
lab 3 (2021 FALL) | RISC-V Assembly | ✅ |
lab 4 (2021 FALL) | RISC-V Functions, Pointers | ✅ |
lab 5 (2021 FALL) | Logisim | ✅ |
lab 6 (2021 FALL) | Pipelining, CPU | ✅ |
lab 7 (2021 FALL) | Caches | ✅ |
lab 8 (2021 FALL) | OS, Virtual Memory | ✅ |
lab 9 (2021 FALL) | Data-Level Parallelism | ✅ |
lab 10 (2021 FALL) | Thread-Level Parallelism | ✅ |
lab 11 (2020 FALL) | Spark, MapReduce | ✅ |
Projects link | Name | Progress |
project 1 (2020 FALL) | Conway's Game of Life | ✅ |
project 2 (2021 FALL) | CS61Classify | ✅ |
project 3 (2021 FALL) | CS61CPU | ✅ |
project 4 (2021 FALL) | Numc | ✅ |