Graphic Engine and Model Generator made in C++ with spacial movement.
The engine uses OpenGl to render 3D models, i.e, models of points that describe triangles.
The generator creates some basic primitives:
- Plane
- Box
- Cone
- Sphere
- Bezier
- Torus
As refered before, the engine uses OpenGL to render a scene, it also applies transformations, textures, normals and lights. These are passed in a XML file passed by argument to the engine, that follows a syntax that can be found in the xml_syntax file.
To run the executable you must provide the xml as an argument and have all the files (from generator) and textures (if using) in the respective folder.
UP Key - Longitudinal positive movement
DOWN Key - Longitudinal negative movement
RIGHT Key - Latitudinal positive movement
LEFT Key - Latitudinal negative movement
CTRL+UP Keys - Camera's approximation
CTRL+DOWN Keys - Camera's disapproximation
W Key - Foward movement
S Key - Backward movement
D Key - Movement to the right
A Key - Movement to the left
Mouse - Camera's view
Z Key - Change between different modes of drawing models (Fill, Lines, Points)
X Key - Show/Hide axis X, Y and Z and movement trajectories
ESC Key - Free's user from application
The generator creates 2 files, one containing the points of the triangles and the respective normals, and the other file has the points for the textures. To create a different model with bezier it's recommended to read in bezier_info's folder. Teapot's patch is already provided as an example.
./generator plane size divisions outFile
Ex: ./generator plane 1 3 plane.3d
./generator box size divisions outFile
Ex: ./generator box 1 3 box.3d
./generator cone radius height slices stacks outFile
Ex: ./generator cone 1 2 10 10 cone.3d
./generator sphere radius slices stacks outFile
Ex: ./generator sphere 1 10 10 sphere.3d
./generator bezier inFile level outFile
Ex: ./generator bezier teapot.patch 64 bezier.3d
./generator torus outterRadius innerRadius slices stacks outFile
Ex: ./generator torus 2.4 2.2 20 20 torus.3d