This is a boiler plate for developing an express NodeJS REST API.
Include steps for starting the server on dev mode
Include steps for starting with Docker
Include steps for starting on production mode
This boiler plate include various branches with different technology implementations
master : This is the basic branch that includes:
- MySQL & Seqelize
- MongoDB & Mongosse
- Swagger
- Winston Logger ....
Inversify : This branch includes the boiler plate to start an Inversify project
Redis : This branch includes the boiler plate with a Redis
lib [community convention for server-side code]
db [or "models" if preferred, manages connection to DB and exposes models]
handler [application logic, actual implementation of the routes]
router [routes definition]
config [server configuration, could be a directory with multiple files in a more complex project]
server [creates and initializes the HTTP server]
test [community convention for automated unit test files]
* **Config server**
* **Local env Vars**
Explain how to use debugging with VSCode Local DEV
This project uses ... for automatic building (docker image, artifact, run test...) This project uses ... for automatic deploying (kubernetes, server ...)
- Swagger
- Postman