This project is deprecated, kept only as an hystorical archive, it uses very old RetroShare API which had hand written wrappers based on protobuf and was accessible via an SSH connection directly into retroshare-nogui process.
That API was cumbersome to write, maintain and use and therefore was deprecated and then removed from RetroShare a long time ago.
As of today RetroShare-service runs directly on Android and exposes a programmer friendly API, and many different Android apps use that API. Please refer to that API and to Android documentation shipped toghether within RetroShare main source code repository.
you need:
- Android Studio (
- git (
- ant (
- The other tools ( JVM, unzip, wget ) are usually already installed on almost all android developer computers.
Clone RetroShare Android Client source running:
# git clone
Prepare library dependency:
## If you miss some command install it ;)
# cd RetroShare-Android-Client/lib
# wget
# unzip
# cd jaramiko-151
# ant jar
Create Android Studio Project:
From Android Studio main window:
File -> Import Project -> select RetroShare-Android-Client/RetroShareAndroidIntegration
File -> Import Module -> select RetroShare-Android-Client/lib/rsctrl/rsctrl
File -> Project Structure -> Libraries -> + -> Java -> select RetroShare-Android-Client/lib/jaramiko-151/jaramiko.jar ( Doing this you will probably asked what modules of your project depends on that library, select the one created importing RetroShare-Android-Client/RetroShareAndroidIntegration )
File -> Project Structure -> Libraries -> + -> From Maven... -> put in the search box -> press search -> select version 2.4.1 -> set Download to RetroShare-Android-Client/lib -> press OK
File -> Project Structure -> Libraries -> + -> From Maven... -> put in the search box -> press search -> select version core:2.0 -> set Download to RetroShare-Android-Client/lib -> press OK
File -> Project Structure -> Libraries -> + -> From Maven... -> put org.apache.commons.lang in the search box -> press search -> select a version >= 2.6.0 -> set Download to RetroShare-Android-Client/lib -> press OK
Now you should be ready to contribute to the project editing the source and tunning it for testing on your emulator
RetroShare is a secure friend-2-friend social network.