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Users Drive Revisions

Ross Scroggs edited this page Feb 22, 2025 · 2 revisions

Users - Drive - Revisions

API documentation


<DomainName> ::= <String>(.<String>)+
<EmailAddress> ::= <String>@<DomainName>
<UniqueID> ::= id:<String>
<UserItem> ::= <EmailAddress>|<UniqueID>|<String>

<DriveFileRevisionID> ::= <String>
<DriveFileRevisionIDList> ::= "<DriveFileRevisionID>(,<DriveFileRevisionID>)*"
<DriveFileRevisionIDEntity> ::=
        (id <DriveFileRevisionID>)|(id:<DriveFileRevisionID>)|
        (ids <DriveFileRevisionIDList>)|(ids:<DriveFileRevisionIDList>)|
        (first|last|allexceptfirst|allexceptlast <Number>)|
        (before|after <Time>)|(range <Time> <Time>)

<RevisionsFieldName> ::=
<RevisionsFieldNameList> ::= "<RevisionsFieldName>(,<RevisionsFieldName>)*"

<DriveFileRevisionIDEntity> can select specific revisions by ID or can select revisions by position in the list or by modification date.

  • first <Number> - process the first <Number> revisions.
  • last <Number> - process the last <Number> revisions.
  • allexceptfirst <Number> - process all revisions except the first <Number> revisions.
  • allexceptlast <Number> - process all revisions except the last <Number> revisions.
  • before <Time> - process all revisions with a modification date before <Time>.
  • after <Time> - process all revisions with a modification date equal to or after <Time>.
  • range <Time> <Time> - process all revisions with a modification date equal to or after the first <Time> and before the second <Time>.

Delete file revisions

gam <UserTypeEntity> delete filerevisions <DriveFileEntity> select <DriveFileRevisionIDEntity>
        [previewdelete] [showtitles] [doit] [max_to_delete <Number>]
  • showtitles - output file title as well as file id in messages; this requires an additional API call per file.
  • previewdelete - output revisions to be deleted but do not delete them
  • doit - no revisions are deleted unless doit is specified
  • max_to_delete <Number> - no revisions are deleted if the number of revisions to delete exceeds <Number>; the default value is one. Set <Number> to 0 for no limit.

When deleting revisions, the last remaining revision can not be deleted. If the <Number> or <Time> selections identify all of the revisions for a file, the following adjustments are made:

  • first <Number> - leave the latest revision
  • last <Number> - leave the earliest revision
  • allexceptfirst <Number> - not applicable, can't select all revisions
  • allexceptlast <Number> - not applicable, can't select all revisions
  • before <Time> - leave the latest revision
  • after <Time> - leave the earleist revision
  • range <Time> <Time> - leave the earliest revision

Manage file revisions publishing

If you publish a revision, Google doesn't return the Web link, so setting published true is of little value at the moment.

gam <UserTypeEntity> update filerevisions <DriveFileEntity> select <DriveFileRevisionIDEntity>
        [published [<Boolean>]] [publishauto [<Boolean>]] [publishedoutsidedomain [<Boolean>]]
        [previewupdate] [showtitles] [doit] [max_to_update <Number>]

When select <DriveFileRevisionIDEntity> is omitted, all revisions are updated.

  • keepforever true - Keep revision forever, even if it is no longer the head revision

  • keepforever false - Do not keep revision forever

  • published true - Publish these revision to the web

  • published false - Do not publish these revision to the web

  • publishauto true - Automaticaly publish subsequent revisions to the web

  • publishauto false - Do not automaticaly publish subsequent revisions to the web

  • publishedoutsidedomain true - Publish these revisions outside the domain

  • publishedoutsidedomain false - Do not publish these revisions outside the domain

  • showtitles - output file title as well as file id in messages; this requires an additional API call per file.

  • previewupdate - output revisions to be updated but do not update them

  • doit - no revisions are updated unless doit is specified

  • max_to_update <Number> - no revisions are updated if the number of revisions to update exceeds <Number>; the default value is one. Set <Number> to 0 for no limit.

Display file revisions

gam <UserTypeEntity> show filerevisions <DriveFileEntity>
        [select <DriveFileRevisionIDEntity>]
        [previewdelete] [showtitles]
        [<RevisionsFieldName>*|(fields <RevisionsFieldNameList>)]
        (orderby <DriveFileOrderByFieldName> [ascending|descending])*
gam <UserTypeEntity> print filerevisions <DriveFileEntity> [todrive <ToDriveAttribute>*]
        [select <DriveFileRevisionIDEntity>]
        [previewdelete] [showtitles] [oneitemperrow]
        [<RevisionsFieldName>*|(fields <RevisionsFieldNameList>)]
        (orderby <DriveFileOrderByFieldName> [ascending|descending])*

When select <DriveFileRevisionIDEntity> is omitted, all revisions are displayed. When select <DriveFileRevisionIDEntity>is specified, previewdelete will make the list of revisions displayed match the list that would be processed by delete filerevisions due to the fact that the last remaining revision can not be deleted.

  • showtitles - output file title as well as file id in output; this requires an additional API call per file.

With print filerevisions, by default the revisions selected for display are all output on one line as a repeating item with the matching file id. When oneitemperrow is specified, each revision is output on a separate row with the matching file id. This simplifies processing the CSV file with subsequent Gam commands.

The stripcrsfromname option strips nulls, carriage returns and linefeeds from drive file names. This option is special purpose and will not generally be used.

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