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VinzenzBildstein edited this page Mar 19, 2024 · 12 revisions


GRSISort contains many different utilities stored in the util directory. These utilities include:

  1. Analysis Scripts
  2. Extra Macros

Compiled Utilities

The utilities are automatically compiled when make is run in the $GRSISYS top-level directory. The compiled binaries are stored in the bin directory and can be called from anywhere.

List of Utilities

Utilities, such as analysis scripts, are kept in the util directory. Below is an incomplete list of useful utilities and how to use them. The compiled utilities are listed as the binary name (i.e. without the ".cxx" extension).

  • Root2Rad this program converts all histograms (1D and 2D) into radware-type histograms and matrices and put's them in a new folder with the name of the root-file they come from.
  • WriteCalToRoot this programs takes a cal-file and either updates or replaces the calibration of all provided root-files with it.
  • ReadCalFromRoot this programs takes root-files and writes calibration files (one for each root-file provided).
  • html_generator.C this script generates the old html documentation of the classes and functions in GRSISort (deprecated, use doxygen instead).
  • gadd this program is equivalent to ROOT's hadd (with added knowledge about some special GRSISort classes) and can be used to add histogram root-files together.
  • PlotVsRun this program allows plotting histograms from multiple files as 2D histograms with the original information vs. the run number. This can be useful e.g. to check if the calibration is stable over the whole experiment. 2D histograms can either be projected onto one axis (plotting that projection vs. the run number), or split into multiple 2D histograms (one each for each bin of the x-axis).
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