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"Custom stop" scenario and proposal for "next stop"

saskl edited this page Jun 9, 2016 · 3 revisions

Receive Custom stop request scenario

  1. The BusDriveApp requests the list of all custom stop which are relevant for him (later he will just receive push notifications)
  2. The BusDriveApp receives the list
  3. The Drive Screen shows the counter for the passengers, the next stop on the line, a list of already accepted custom stops ordered by requested time, and a GUI element containing all custom stops about which the Bus driver has yet to decide:
    a) an additional list where you can swipe right to accept or swipe left to refuse the custom stop and either tap to see additional information or the list elements are big enough to see the whole information to reduce interaction OR
    b) On receiving new custom stops a pop up for each one is shown and the Bus driver has to react to them
  4. The Bus driver chooses to accept or decline a custom stop and the app sends a update request to the server
  5. When reaching a custom stop and picking up the citizen the Bus driver swipes the element on the list to send an update request to the server (if the person doesn’t show up the Bus driver could swipe in the other direction to mark the request as “NOSHOW”)

Question: Do you think the amount of interactions is okay?

Proposal for reaching a stop

We decided it would be the best (and also the easiest) way to check if a stop has been reached by clicking a button on the Drive Screen so the next stop will be displayed. If the Bus driver accidentally presses the button without reaching a stop he can click on a smaller “back” button to go back to the previous stop. This also brings the advantage that the Bus driver will see if he missed a stop when the displayed stop is an old one because he didn’t press the button and it is easy to scroll through the stops if something unexpected happens.

We think that all solutions to check if a stop has been reached are error-prone and too complex. There are several scenarios where you will get problems with checking the GPS position to cross a stop from the list e.g. if two stops are close to each other but not adjacent there could be errors when the app assumes that the wrong stop has been reached. Also this solution would be much more energy consuming because you would have to check the GPS position multiple times per second to get a precise result.

So here is our question to Steffen Hess: Do you agree on our proposal to just use the button click method or is it mandatory to automatically mark stops as reached?

Additional question to the group: Where should the custom stop be placed in the route?

This would only be shown on the Stops Screen

  • When the server sends the custom stop to the Bus driver, it will already be placed in the best position in the stops list by the server.
  • It won’t be placed in the list, instead the custom stops are shown separately on the Drive Screen and the Bus driver decides when to take it.
  • The Bus driver can place the stops in the list manually